Responded Quotes

Text Quotes
I've never responded well to entrenched negative thinking (Responded Quotes)
Drama class was one of the only areas at school I responded to (Responded Quotes)
I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful manner (Responded Quotes)
It was lovely when you found students who responded to things you were enthusiastic about (Responded Quotes)
There are certain performers that the gay community receives and recognizes with love, and my whole life, I’ve always responded to those same artists, (Responded Quotes)
The British Airways steward announced that the in-flight movie would be Chariots of Fire. ‘Is that the only one?’ I asked. ‘We are also showing Gandhi,’ he replied. ‘Where do I have to sit to see it? I responded. ‘I’m sorry, sir, but Gandhi is only showing in first class.’ The irony seemed to escape him. (Responded Quotes)
Dr. [Paula] Menyuk and her co-workers [at Boston University’s School of Education] found that parents who supplied babies with a steady stream of information were not necessarily helpful. Rather, early, rich language skills were more likely to develop when parents provided lots of opportunities for their infants and toddlers to talk and when parents listened and responded to the babies’ communications. (Responded Quotes)
When I started blogging in 2004, I responded to every comment no matter how nasty the reader was. I was generally polite, believing that these critics would be so charmed by my professionalism that they would see the error of their misogynist ways and swiftly run out to read a bell hooks book. Ha! (Responded Quotes)
Ed The Truth Is Illegal Markey responded to Teamster support for ANWR by dismissively sniffing, it was only one issue. Luckily, the Democrats have all those other issues dear to the heart of the average blue-collar worker: abortion on demand, gay marriage and taxpayer-funded crucifixes submerged in urine. (Responded Quotes)
Why don’t they let us explain who we are?’ Derin protested ‘It’s not fair judging us like that without giving us a chance to speak’Marna laughed mirthlessly.’Do you think that would help?’ she responded. ‘The face of fear has neither eyes nor ears. It is blind and deaf to all but its own terrors. (Responded Quotes)
From Mr. [Donald] Trump’s perspective, right, he simply heard [Vladimir] Putin compliment him. He then responded by complimenting him. He never thought that he might be being played. (Responded Quotes)
No one in my family wrote. And there was no real introduction. I suppose I somehow blundered into it when I was about six or seven years old. I was asked what present I would like, and, without knowing why, I responded that I would like a journal. It was a beautiful journal - so beautiful that I didn’t want to sully it. (Responded Quotes)
Don’t wait for mentors to seek you out. Don’t ever wait for your phone calls to be returned, your letters to be answered, your faxes to be responded to. Keep going out and asking question. (Responded Quotes)
Recently, I’ve really responded to books that bring the magic of childhood back to us as adults. (Responded Quotes)
By the general process of epic poetry, I mean the way this form of art has constantly responded to the profound needs of the society in which it was made. (Responded Quotes)
The English light is so very subtle, so very soft and misty, that the architecture responded with great delicacy of detail. (Responded Quotes)
Christopher Reeve did such an amazing job that to give him some kind of accent or more bravado would have been wrong. Audiences wouldn’t have responded to that either. (Responded Quotes)
I always thought I was doing something special with ‘Lost Girl.’ How that would be reflected or responded to by the fans, I hadn’t really considered. That they are so loyal is amazing. We have such lovely fans. (Responded Quotes)
I stood there on the corner of the street,I held on to your hand,I looked into your eyes,And all you responded with was,move on (Responded Quotes)
In a speech in South Carolina, Donald Trump responded to criticisms from Senator Lindsey Graham by giving out Graham’s personal cellphone number. Graham knew something was up when he saw he had more than one missed call (Responded Quotes)
People have responded to the pictures I make as mystical things, and they somehow carry the illusion further thinking that the place is this mystical, magical place. The desert is also a very barren place, a very lonely place, a very boring, uneventful place (Responded Quotes)
We join Armenians around the world as we remember the terrible massacres suffered in 1915-1923 at the hands of the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. The United States responded to this crime against humanity by leading diplomatic and private relief efforts (Responded Quotes)
After one of his [Hubert Humphrey] long-winded harangues I suggested he had probably been vaccinated with a phonograph needle. He responded by saying that I would have been a great success in the movies working for Eighteenth Century-Fox. (Responded Quotes)
He puppeteers really responded to it. Patrick Bistrow really responded to it, it’s great fun to do improve comedy with puppets. (Responded Quotes)
We announced that there’d be no more starvation in India. And you responded, ‘Impossible. You’ll never succeed!’ Instead we succeeded; today in India no one dies of hunger any more; food production far exceeds consumption. (Responded Quotes)
Barack Obama’s administration responded to the Haitian crisis within 24 hours. Here comes the soldiers, here comes the food, go go go... Rush Limbaugh told his multi-millions of listeners that Obama only did that to gain favour with black people in America. This is the kind of idiocy that I have to deal with in my country. (Responded Quotes)
We all remember how, at the beginning of the sulphonamide era, it was repeatedly observed that fresh cases of gonorrhoea in men responded best to sulphonamide treatment when suppuration had already occurred for several days, and not at the first appearance of the disease. (Responded Quotes)
The destructive malware attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) in late 2014 was an unprecedented cyber event for the United States in its scope, destructiveness, and economic implications. The FBI responded to this attack with an investigation that was groundbreaking in its scope and collaboration. (Responded Quotes)
The Green Arrow stuff that I’ve responded to from the past is the Mike Grell stuff. I’ve liked a lot of other stuff, but I think for me, the direction and the mood and the tone that I really want is something much darker and more aggressive and really fast-paced action. (Responded Quotes)
I think the environmental movement is the biggest people’s movement in the world. Unfortunately, our governments and corporations haven’t responded accordingly to protect our planet’s natural resources. (Responded Quotes)