Rest Quotes

Text Quotes
The burden borne by mankind is a heavy and a crushing thing. The word Jesus used means a load carried or toil borne to the point of exhaustion. Rest is simply release from that burden. It is not something we do, it is what comes to us when we cease to do. His own meekness, that is the rest (Rest Quotes)
If you are foolish enough to be contented, don't show it, but grumble with the rest; and if you can do with a little, ask for a great deal. Because if you don't you won't get any (Rest Quotes)
Nobody ever loved as he loves, and so, of course, the rest of the world's experience can be no guide in his case (Rest Quotes)
I want a house that has got over all its troubles; I don't want to spend the rest of my life bringing up a young and inexperienced house (Rest Quotes)
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God - the rest will be given (Rest Quotes)
Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God (Rest Quotes)
O Autumn, laden with fruit, and stained with the blood of the grape, pass not, but sit beneath my shady roof; there thou mayest rest and tune thy jolly voice to my fresh pipe, and all the daughters of the year shall dance! Sing now the lusty song of fruits and flowers (Rest Quotes)
Inactivity and deprivation of all accustomed stimulus is not rest; it is a preparation for the tomb (Rest Quotes)
Those persons who are burning to display heroism may rest assured that the course of social evolution will offer them every opportunity (Rest Quotes)
When the voices of children are heard on the green and laughing is heard on the hill, My heart is at rest within my breast and everything else is still (Rest Quotes)
It is better to be a coward for a minute than dead for the rest of your life (Rest Quotes)
Be pleasant until ten o'clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself (Rest Quotes)
Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince: and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! (Rest Quotes)
None of what Barack Obama is doing or wants to do to this country is anything the rest of the world hasn't seen before and already failed at (Rest Quotes)
Militant feminists are pro-choice because it's their ultimate avenue of power over men. And believe me, to them it is a question of power. It is their attempt to impose their will on the rest of society, particularly on men (Rest Quotes)
There are many kinds of love, as many kinds of light, and every kind of love makes a glory in the night. There is love that stirs the heart, and love that gives it rest, but the love that leads life upward is the noblest and the best (Rest Quotes)
Every house where love abides and friendship is a guest, Is surely home, and home sweet home For there the heart can rest (Rest Quotes)
Now and then, this look of commendation would rest particularly on you; whenever this happened, it was as if, in his delight, he had reached over and squeezed you (Rest Quotes)
The best history is but like the art of Rembrandt; it casts a vivid light on certain selected causes, on those which were best and greatest; it leaves all the rest in shadow and unseen (Rest Quotes)
My responsibility as an artist is to turn up at the page or the piano or the microphone. The rest is up to God (Rest Quotes)
When I stop working the rest of the day is posthumous. I'm only really alive when I'm writing (Rest Quotes)
I'm prepared to spend the rest of my life playing clubs, if that means I'm playing music that I believe in (Rest Quotes)
As a governor and senator, John Chafee set the standard for honesty and decency that the rest of us on our best days could only dream to emulate (Rest Quotes)
I want to be a jerk like the rest of my friends, and have fun, and not care about the consequences, but I just can't now (Rest Quotes)
I had the greatest friend when I was a little kid, and I got to keep her for the rest of my life (Rest Quotes)
So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal: If we are going to pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is - we want you to post the videos online so we can all watch (Rest Quotes)
This is not a battle between the United States of America and terrorism, but between the free and democratic world and terrorism. We, therefore, here in Britain stand shoulder to shoulder with our American friends in this hour of tragedy, and we, like them, will not rest until this evil is driven from our world (Rest Quotes)
I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free (Rest Quotes)
I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief... For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free (Rest Quotes)
I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free (Rest Quotes)