Rest Quotes

Text Quotes
Drugs will have a huge effect on my work for the rest of my life, whether I’m using or not (Rest Quotes)
I just want to say, good night, sweet prince, may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest (Rest Quotes)
Moral authority has been laid to rest, world opinion is no more than a game show and the difference between good and evil is about as relevant as changing channels (Rest Quotes)
Language can only deal meaningfully with a special, restricted segment of reality. The rest, and it is presumably the much larger part, is silence (Rest Quotes)
I won’t be skating for the rest of my life, that’s for sure (Rest Quotes)
There was a period when I’d just come out of college where I’d been playing classical guitar and I suddenly realised that it wasn’t what I wanted to do with the rest of my life (Rest Quotes)
Anyone who has spent any time in space will love it for the rest of their lives. I achieved my childhood dream of the sky (Rest Quotes)
The intellectual is called on the carpet... Don’t you conceal something? You talk a language which is suspect. You don’t talk like the rest of us, like the man in the street, but rather like a foreigner who does not belong here. We have to cut you down to size, expose your tricks, purge you (Rest Quotes)
Hockey is an art. It requires speed, precision, and strength like other sports, but it also demands an extraordinary intelligence to develop a logical sequence of movements, a technique which is smooth, graceful and in rhythm with the rest of the game (Rest Quotes)
Part of the loot went for gambling, part for horses, and part for women. The rest I spent foolishly (Rest Quotes)
Autobiography. Apparently one should not name the names of those one has been to bed with, or give explicit figures on the amount of money one has earned, those being the two data most eagerly sought by readers; all the rest is legitimate to reveal (Rest Quotes)
Men do not rest content with parrying the attacks of a superior, but often strike the first blow to prevent the attack being made. And we cannot fix the exact point at which our empire shall stop; we have reached a position in which we must not be content with retaining but must scheme to extend it, for, if we cease to rule others, we are in danger of being ruled ourselves. Nor can you look at inaction from the same point of view as others, unless you are prepared to change your habits and make them like theirs (Rest Quotes)
I am accused often of too much experimentation.., but what else should I do when all other factors of man are in the same condition. I thrust forward into space as science and the rest do (Rest Quotes)
In 1840 I was called from my farm to undertake the administration of public affairs and I foresaw that I was called to a bed of thorns. I now leave that bed which has afforded me little rest, and eagerly seek repose in the quiet enjoyments of rural life (Rest Quotes)
I ran around with the other youngsters, hunting, fishing and raising tadpoles and all the rest (Rest Quotes)
I think we should look forward to death more than we do. Of course everybody hates to go to bed or miss anything, but dying is really the only chance we’ll get to rest (Rest Quotes)
A painting is a symbol for the universe. Inside it, each piece relates to the other. Each piece is only answerable to the rest of that little world. So, probably in the total universe, there is that kind of total harmony, but we get only little tastes of it (Rest Quotes)
Goods move in response to price differences from points of low to points of higher price, the movement tending to obliterate the price difference and come to rest (Rest Quotes)
It is true practically if not altogether without exception that the changes studied by any science tend to equilibrate or neutralize the forces which bring them about, and finally to come to rest (Rest Quotes)
I was pursuing the inner path at the expense of the rest of my being and the rest of the world (Rest Quotes)
If we remove ourselves from the world, we are pretending that we can follow our own individual enlightenment and let the rest of the world go to hell, so to speak (Rest Quotes)
I wouldn’t ask any of my employees to do anything I wouldn’t do. And I work as hard, if not harder than the rest of the staff, to set an example. I also believe in giving my employees a lot of room to be creative and to express themselves (Rest Quotes)
Don’t think that because you haven’t heard from me for a while that I went to sleep. I am still here, like a spirit roaming the night. Thirsty, hungry, seldom stopping to rest (Rest Quotes)
The best kids are going to become the best. But the best thing about it is that you’re going to learn lessons in playing those sports about winning and losing and teamwork and teammates and arguments and everything else that are going to affect you positively for the rest of your life (Rest Quotes)
The definition of genius, really, should be that that person can do what the rest of us have to learn how to do (Rest Quotes)
Writing a book is a very lonely business. You are totally cut off from the rest of the world, submerged in your obsessions and memories (Rest Quotes)
During meditation your metabolism and your breath rate go down to a level of rest, twice that of deep sleep (Rest Quotes)
When your parent is a public idol, you never really have a chance to lay that parent to rest (Rest Quotes)
There is only one true thing: instantly paint what you see. When you’ve got it, you’ve got it. When you haven’t, you begin again. All the rest is humbug (Rest Quotes)
I am laughably aggressive, and the rest of the band is very laid back, so we mix well (Rest Quotes)