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I believe in the theater; I believe in it as the first glamorizer of thought. It restores dramatic dynamics and their relations to life size. (Restores Quotes)
I’ve always admired the kind of guy who moves into a place and restores it. Thanks to my efforts, the guy who moves into mine will have a chance to do just that. (Restores Quotes)
Riding trails with your dog restores a bond lost in some evolutionary belch. You travel at the same speed, over the same terrain, neither of you slowing to compensate for the other. You’re equal playmates with mud in your teeth (Restores Quotes)
Despite crime's omnipresence, things work in society, because biology compels it. Order eventually restores itself, by psychic equilibrium (Restores Quotes)
Part of the beauty of Judaism, and surely this is so for other faiths also, is that it gently restores control over time. Three times a day we stop what we are doing and turn to God in prayer. We recover perspective. We inhale a deep breath of eternity (Restores Quotes)
Religion in it's humility restores man to his only dignity, the courage to live by grace (Restores Quotes)
The sea returning day by day restores the world wide mart. So let each dweller on the bay fold boston in his heart till these echoes be choked with snows or over the town blue ocean flows (Restores Quotes)
Spirit borrows from matter the perceptions on which it feeds and restores them to matter in the form of movements which it has stamped with its own freedom (Restores Quotes)
Poetry ennobles the heart and the eyes, and unveils the meaning of all things upon which the heart and the eyes dwell. It discovers the secret rays of the universe, and restores to us forgotten paradises (Restores Quotes)
Almsgiving tends to perpetuate poverty; aid does away with it once and for all. Almsgiving leaves a man just where he was before. Aid restores him to society as an individual worthy of all respect and not as a man with a grievance. Almsgiving is the generosity of the rich; social aid levels up social inequalities. Charity separates the rich from the poor; aid raises the needy and sets him on the same level with the rich (Restores Quotes)
Remembrance restores possibility to the past, making what happened incomplete and completing what never was. Remembrance is neither what happened nor what did not happen but, rather, their potentialization, their becoming possible once again (Restores Quotes)
My being subsists only from a supreme point of view which is precisely incompatible with my point of view. The perspective in which I fade away for my eyes restores me as a complete image for the unreal eye to which I deny all images. A complete image with reference to a world devoid of image which imagines me in the absence of any imaginable figure. The being of a nonbeing of which I am the infinitely small negation which it instigates as its profound harmony. In the night shall I become the universe? (Restores Quotes)
Broken I run to you for your arms are open wide. I am weary but I know your touch restores my life (Restores Quotes)
Contrology develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind, and elevates the spirit (Restores Quotes)
Apology is both transactional, in that it restores what has been broken to what it was before, and transformational, in that it creates opportunities that didn’t exist before (Restores Quotes)
Shallow breathing is the root of all evil but conscious deep breathing restores and secures our souls (Restores Quotes)
Action is the music of our life. Like music, it starts from a pause of leisure, a silence of activity which our initiative attacks; then it develops according to its inner logic, passes its climax, seeks its cadence, ends, and restores silence, leisure again. Action and leisure are thus interdependent; echoing and recalling each other, so that action enlivens leisure with its memories and anticipations, and leisure expands and raises action beyond its mere immediate self and gives it a permanent meaning (Restores Quotes)
Connecting with those you know love, like and appreciate you restores the spirit and give you energy to keep moving forward in this life (Restores Quotes)
Writing objects to the lie that life is small. Writing is a cell of energy. Writing defines itself. Writing draws its viewer in for longer than an instant. Writing exhibits boldness. Writing restores power to exalt, unnerve, shock, and transform us. Writing does not imitate life, it anticipates life (Restores Quotes)
Almsgiving leaves a man just where he was before. Aid restores him to society as an individual worthy of all respect and not as a man with a grievance (Restores Quotes)
Concentration and mindfulness are the internal ways in which the mind restores itself from being out of balance and lost in confusion to a condition of ease, clarity, and wisdom. No external action needs to happen (Restores Quotes)
There is a solitude in poverty, but a solitude which restores to each thing its value (Restores Quotes)
Zen is not, in my view, philosophy or mysticism. It is simply a practice of readjustment of nervous activity. That is, it restores the distorted nervous system to its normal functioning (Restores Quotes)
Work restores humankind and all its attributes to the savage animal condition that was its original intended state (Restores Quotes)
Regular meditation not only restores our inner harmony and vital energy, but provides us with an actual experience of the peace we seek (Restores Quotes)
Feed and strengthen your body. Fear is physical. When you lift weights or go for a sprint, that energy flows back into your body and restores you to certainty (Restores Quotes)
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