Result Quotes

Text Quotes
Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but we will be judged by only one thing-the result. (Result Quotes)
When someone writes something dazzlingly brilliant, people want to imitate it. The result is a lot of less-than-brilliant knock-offs. Elves, Dwarves, Goblin army, cursed ring, evil sorcerer. Tolkien did it. It rocked. Let’s move on. Let’s do something new. (Result Quotes)
Progress is a natural result of staying focused on the process of doing anything (Result Quotes)
Lack of true progress may not be a result of not doing what one is supposed to, but lack of focused effort trying not to do too much. (Result Quotes)
It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result. (Result Quotes)
The logic is backwards. Genius is the result of doing what you love, not a prerequisite for it. (Result Quotes)
I don’t believe skill was, or ever will be, the result of coaches. It is a result of a love affair between the child and the ball. (Result Quotes)
I think so many people tend to think of faith as blind adherence to a dogma or unquestioned surrender to an authority figure, and the result is losing self-respect and losing our own sense of what is true. And I don’t think of faith in those terms at all. (Result Quotes)
The Rule of 72 is useful in determining how fast money will grow. Take the annual return from any investment, expressed as a percentage, and divide it into 72. The result is the number of years it will take to double your money. (Result Quotes)
And if I was Lisa Marie Presley and I’d told you I was going to marry Michael Jackson because I liked the shape of his nose, or rather, noses, and he’s just a sweet boy who loves children, I mean really loves children, and his dramatic change in appearance was undoubtedly a result of a genuine bona fide skin disease, would you have said anything? (Result Quotes)
Where hopes are unrealistic, fears often become exaggerated; where dreams alone are blueprints, nightmares result. (Result Quotes)
Who cares if virtually the entire world views Obama’s drone attacks as unjustified and wrong? Who cares if the Muslim world continues to seethe with anti-American animus as a result of this aggression? Empires do what they want. (Result Quotes)
Islamo-Fascism is NOT the result of economic deprivation or legitimate blowback because of Western foreign policies or even heinous drone attacks on Muslim civilians. All non-Muslims as Infidels, regardless of their faith or lack of it, are in an ideological war with a demonized, freedom-hating Muslim death-cult rooted in their accurate interpretation of the Qur’an! (Result Quotes)
If somebody writes a review of a dry cleaner, that piece of content is not wildly viral. It’s not like a viral video that can spread across the world in a matter of minutes, so as a result, each market is almost an island unto itself. (Result Quotes)
Tears only dry up as a result of hardness of the heart, and the hearts only harden as a result of frequent sinning. (Result Quotes)
Why did the earthquake and tsunami occur in Japan? Was it the act of an angry God? No, it was the result of the movement and collision of the earth’s tectonic plates - a process driven by the earth’s need to regulate its own internal temperature. Without the process that creates earthquake, our planet could not sustain life. (Result Quotes)
Austria, Germany and the U.S. South did not disappear as a result of their currencies’ ruin. Although many people suffered, most people found a way to survive, life went on, and economic activity eventually resumed after the adoption of a ‘reformed’ or foreign medium of exchange. (Result Quotes)
Every non-Marxist economic theory that treats human and non-human productive inputs as interchangeable assumes that the dehumanisation of human labour is complete. But if it could ever be completed, the result would be the end of capitalism as a system capable of creating and distributing value. (Result Quotes)
Premonitions, presentiments, the sensing of unseen presences and many allied experiences are due to the activity of the astral body and its reaction on the physical; their ever-increasing frequency is merely the result of its evolution among educated people. (Result Quotes)
Women, who enjoyed a high social status and levels of education under Saddam, saw terrible setbacks as Iraq fell into civil war. As a result of the sectarian violence from 2005-2007, women retreated to their homes and fell from public view. (Result Quotes)
The forefathers of the United States were children of religious bigotry and persecution, and, as a result, fled Britain to create a new approach to life and government. They valued intellect and education. In fact, they outlined the principles of the United States’ democracy to establish intellectual freedom from the Church. (Result Quotes)
Public education must be viewed from the lens of providing each child with the learning environment that best meets his or her needs. If we can send a low-income child to a parochial school, knowing that his odds of attending college will increase as a result, then that should be our mission. (Result Quotes)
Indian higher education is completely regulated. It’s very difficult to start a private university. It’s very difficult for a foreign university to come to India. As a result of that, our higher education is simply not keeping pace with India’s demands. That is leading to a lot of problems which we need to address. (Result Quotes)
Excitement in education and student productivity, the ability to get a result that you want from students, go together and cannot be separated. (Result Quotes)
Our nonviolence in respect of the Government is a result of our incapacity for effective violence (Result Quotes)
I used to love fine dining, but I lost my appetite for it to a degree because sometimes it is too much about the effort and too little about the result. (Result Quotes)
Real prosperity comes from everybody in the country working together in a growth mode. Real prosperity comes as a result of people’s own initiative and efforts and so forth. Prosperity, if it comes from the government, is not prosperity. It’s an existence or a subsistence or whatever, but it isn’t prosperity. (Result Quotes)
You learn in life that a lot of things are the result of effort, but some things, in terms of scale, are random. (Result Quotes)
Our awareness is the key. It is our awareness more than our work effort that gets the right result right now. (Result Quotes)
The election of the Jewish people is the result of God’s falling in love with Abraham and founding a family with him. (Result Quotes)