Result Quotes

Text Quotes
Writing in a near-frenzy is wonderful and freeing but, for me, it does not result in a nice shiny novel. Instead what I have is a mess. (Result Quotes)
Writing in a near frenzy is wonderful and freeing, but for me, it did not result in a nice, shiny novel. Instead, what I have is a mess. (Result Quotes)
I hope that by people seeing the result of freedom that they’ll want some, too (Result Quotes)
The forces of safety are afoot in the land. I, for one, believe it is a conspiracy - a conspiracy of Safety Nazis shouting Sieg Health and seeking to trammel freedom, liberty, and large noisy parties. The Safety Nazis advocate gun control, vigorous exercise, and health foods. The result can only be a disarmed, exhausted, and half-starved population ready to acquiesce to dictatorship of some kind. (Result Quotes)
Everywhere that the struggle for national freedom has triumphed, once the authorities agreed, there were military coups d’etat that overthrew their leaders. That is the result time and time again. (Result Quotes)
The fruit of the Spirit is the natural produce of his gracious inward influence, the spontaneous and inevitable result of his uniting us to Jesus Christ. (Result Quotes)
Each one of us is responsible for other living beings’ happiness, besides our own. As a result, your loving kindness is the most wish-fulfilling thing in life, more precious than anything else in this world. That makes for a most satisfying, fulfilling life. (Result Quotes)
Who are you? Be it. What do you love to do? Do it. Who do you love? Love them. The result: a fulfilling life. (Result Quotes)
If you continue to use monetary policy to attempt to promote full employment the result would be that you would have higher inflation, and that you would not have lower unemployment. (Result Quotes)
You know in my own area of Waltham Forest, we’ve had many murders as a result of the gang violence and often innocent bystanders get caught up in it. (Result Quotes)
My worry is that other advances in science may result in other means of mass destruction, maybe more readily available even than nuclear weapons. Genetic engineering is quite a possible area, because of these dreadful developments that are taking place there. (Result Quotes)
George Bush ran a campaign where he bragged about being an anti-intellectual, dismissing his Harvard and Yale pedigree, pretending he was an American every day, ordinary everyman, and as a result of that, played up his fumbling speech because it signified that he was a good guy. That is deeply and profoundly anti-intellectual. (Result Quotes)
I get literally a physical sensation of low self-esteem that is a result of not engaging the world and getting comfortable that way. (Result Quotes)
Stars that become supernovae start off at least eight times heavier than our sun. They’re so short-lived that, even if they have planets, there is unlikely to be time for life to get started. The surface is 40,000C and, as a result, the colouring will be extremely blue. (Result Quotes)
Burnout is not the result of doing too much; it is the result of not getting enough rest (Result Quotes)
He [Taika Watiti] worked on this screenplay for a couple of years and just getting it right and the result is there. He’s made really close to a perfect film [Hunt for the Wilderpeople]... Perfect as you can be. (Result Quotes)
You know ... you keep doing the same things and you keep getting the same result over and over again. (Result Quotes)
I feel very positive where I never did before, and I think that’s all a direct result of getting sober. (Result Quotes)
Getting sober just exploded my life. Now I have a much clearer sense of myself and what I can and can’t do. I am more successful than I have ever been. I feel very positive where I never did before, and I think that’s all a direct result of getting sober. (Result Quotes)
When you give your best, that’s all you can ask of yourself, all that people can ask of you and all that God desires from you. No matter what the result, walk with your head held high. (Result Quotes)
As a result of that, America desires a moderate Islam; an Islam that America can control; an Islam that America can give direction to and give orders to its leaders. (Result Quotes)
Conversion is an enlarging, a deepening, and a broadening of the undergirding base of testimony. It is the result of revelation from God, accompanied by individual repentance, obedience, and diligence. (Result Quotes)
It is He who gave to this intellectual nature free-will of such a kind, that if he wishes to forsake God his blessedness, misery should forthwith result. (Result Quotes)
You don’t marry one person; you marry three: the person you think they are, the person they are, and the person they are going to become as the result of being. (Result Quotes)
I’ve had two children and no surgery. My body is the result of good genes and a healthy attitude. (Result Quotes)
Today, I think the attitude is that governing is not necessarily good politics, and the result is that it’s much more partisan and much more divided. (Result Quotes)
I can be the most skilled person in the world, but if everyone else at my firm lacks skills, my employer is going to find it more difficult to introduce new technology, new production techniques. So as a result, my employer is going to be less productive. They will not be able to afford to pay me as good wages. (Result Quotes)
Nothing I do is by design. It’s always the result of a happy accident. I didn’t have a career plan. It has just become the way it is. It’s all good fun. (Result Quotes)
There aren’t enough good journalists. There are too many who really weren’t groomed to be reporters and, as a result, some of the reporting is shallow. (Result Quotes)
The corporations are shoving just the worst music down everybody’s throats, and I think the result of that is that nobody has any taste. They have no bar as to what is good. (Result Quotes)