Return On Investment Quotes

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God gave you a gift and he deserves a return on his investment (Return On Investment Quotes)
I think Barack Obama is a socialist. I think he cares for his country - don’t get me wrong about that - but I think he truly misunderstands what this country was based upon, the values that America was based upon, which was free enterprise and having the ability to risk your capital and having a chance to have a return on your investment (Return On Investment Quotes)
The return on investment in global health is tremendous, and the biggest bang for the buck comes from vaccines. Vaccines are among the most successful and cost-effective health investments in history. (Return On Investment Quotes)
Economic research demonstrates that tax dollars spent in early childhood development provide extraordinary return on investment-16% for high quality programs (Return On Investment Quotes)
The advantage of the free market system is that people invest their capital, they create jobs by investing their capital, and hopefully they get a return on that investment. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with good old American capitalism. (Return On Investment Quotes)
I pledge to invest in women because I believe it offers one of the greatest returns on investment. I am committed to the belief that we would all be in a much better place if half the human race (women) were empowered to prosper, invent, be educated, start their own businesses, run for office essentially be given the chance to soar (Return On Investment Quotes)
It is not the return on my investment that I am concerned about; it’s the return of my investment (Return On Investment Quotes)
Self-giving means that we have to understand the nature of giving. When most people give, they give expecting a return on their investment (Return On Investment Quotes)
Practice love in your relationships. The key to this is avoiding expectation. It’s expectation that makes most people miserable in love - the return on the investment (Return On Investment Quotes)
I look at my annual budgets for everything and anything, and I look to see where I can save the most money on those items. Saving 30% to 50% buying in bulk - replenishable items from toothpaste to soup, or whatever I use a lot of - is the best guaranteed return on investment you can get anywhere (Return On Investment Quotes)
I have run large organizations, I know what it takes to create a healthy business climate, and I have more experience than Jerry Brown doing that. So it’ll be a stark contrast, a career politician vs. someone who has met a payroll, gotten a return on investment, knows how to use technology to do more with less (Return On Investment Quotes)
The thing about movies these days is that the commerce end of it is so inflated and financiers are just expecting this enormous return on their investment (Return On Investment Quotes)
In my career, I learned that giving your services for free gives you a good return on your investment, not just financially but morally. It supplements your personal integrity (Return On Investment Quotes)
Producers are not gamblers. They want a good return on their investment (Return On Investment Quotes)
My work on human capital began with an effort to calculate both private and social rates of return to men, women, blacks, and other groups from investments in different levels of education (Return On Investment Quotes)
A recession doubles the necessity to be really focused on three or four tactics that can prove a return on investment (Return On Investment Quotes)
So this is the goal: To make money by increasing net profit, while simultaneously increasing return on investment, and simultaneously increasing cash flow (Return On Investment Quotes)
You don’t have to do everything right as a parent, but there is one thing you cannot afford to get wrong. That one thing is prayer. You’ll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent. Prayer is your highest privilege as a parent. There is nothing you can do that will have a higher return on investment. In fact, the dividends are eternal (Return On Investment Quotes)
If you run a corporation, your job is to maximize the return on investment for your investors. Good for you. But by the same token, we have to remember that corporations have no compassion. That’s why legislation and regulations are necessary (Return On Investment Quotes)
Some critics have challenged what the return on investment is for engagement in social media. Others have complained that the metrics don’t exist to demonstrate value (Return On Investment Quotes)
For me, philanthropic return on investment is about making the biggest impact possible on fellow human beings, regardless of country, race or religion (Return On Investment Quotes)
Twitter is like hugging. Just because it’s hard to measure the return on investment doesn’t mean there isn’t value there (Return On Investment Quotes)