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We have to have a way of dealing with this that engenders confidence, trust, gives us every chance of getting the right outcome and boosts both sustainability and economic return at the same time. (Return Quotes)
The return on investment in global health is tremendous, and the biggest bang for the buck comes from vaccines. Vaccines are among the most successful and cost-effective health investments in history. (Return Quotes)
You know, capital isnt patriotic. Capital goes to where it needs to go to get a return. (Return Quotes)
The Taliban has not, in my judgment, in any significant way changed their fundamental goal and objective, which is to take over Afghanistan and return to running that country. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t have negotiation talks with them. I think we should. But we’ve got to be clear-eyed about it. (Return Quotes)
God is love and doesn’t ask for anything back in return. So it’s that process of letting go and just allowing, and just being in that pure state. (Return Quotes)
After all my possessions had been burned, God gave me the wisdom to return to Jerusalem (Return Quotes)
Our people are ebbing away like a rapidly receding tide that will never return. The white man’s God cannot love our people, or He would protect them. (Return Quotes)
Prayer is speaking to God - but sometimes He uses our times of prayerful silence to speak to us in return. (Return Quotes)
The key, I think, from a business point of view, is to learn how to be efficient in making a record that’s not too expensive, so that you’re not going crazy spending tons of money making a product that might not ever return that money. (Return Quotes)
It is the going out from oneself that is love and not the accident of its return. It is the expedition, whether it fail or succeed. (Return Quotes)
The gold standard sooner or later will return with the force and inevitability of natural law, for it is the money of freedom and honesty. (Return Quotes)
The greatest tragedy in mankind’s entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion. However valuable-even necessary-that may have been in enforcing good behavior on primitive peoples, their association is now counterproductive. Yet at the very moment when they should be decoupled, sanctimonious nitwits are calling for a return to morals based on superstition. (Return Quotes)
Good customers are an asset which, when wellmanaged and served, will return a handsome lifetime income stream for the company. (Return Quotes)
To reprove a harm-doer, put him to shame by doing a good deed in return (Return Quotes)
I don’t mind the government accruing debts as long as every dollar is spent effectively with a high return. That works out fine. If you accumulate debts and waste your money, that’s, of course, a disaster. (Return Quotes)
The same government that requires a taxpaying citizen to document every statement on his tax return decrees that questioning a welfare applicant demeans and humiliates him. (Return Quotes)
Good men and bad men differ radically. Bad men never appreciate kindness shown them, but wise men appreciate and are grateful. Wise men try to express their appreciation and gratitude by some return of kindness, not only to their benefactor, but to everyone else (Return Quotes)
I think the one thing about me is I’m a fairly demanding guy, and I give a great deal of myself, and I expect that in return. (Return Quotes)
We had a great many horses, of which we gave Lewis and Clark what they needed, and they gave us guns and tobacco in return. (Return Quotes)
The most important asset you need to protect in order to manage the demands of a job or an investment portfolio is your production of energy. And, just like with money, if you do a great job managing your energy, you’ll get a great return. (Return Quotes)
There is great joy in doing something for somebody else with no thought in receiving anything in return. (Return Quotes)
Warned by the disaster of the last great war, the statesmen of all nations have been taking measures to prevent the return of another such calamity. (Return Quotes)
The return to the Organization of the United States of America, the bearers of a great and diversified democratic culture that has inspired many other peoples. (Return Quotes)
I must return to my old comrades of the Great War - to the brown, the treeless, the flat and grave-set plain of Flanders - to the rolling, heat-miraged downlands of the Somme - for I am dead with them, and they live in me again. (Return Quotes)
Not the poem which we have read , but that to which we return , with the greatest pleasure, possesses the genuine power, and claims the name of essential poetry . (Return Quotes)
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return (Return Quotes)
I’ve had songs written during the Falklands war, and during the first Gulf war I got letters from soldiers saying they were listening to these songs, like Island of no return. (Return Quotes)
But the uproar this caused was nothing compared with the uproar when Katronia noticed [Rosie] had also cut her eyelashes. Various negotiations (including, finally, such desperate measures as supposing you ever want to eat again) eventually produced the grudging promise that, in return for Katronia keeping her hair cut short, she would leave her eyelashes alone. (Return Quotes)
Among the many factors that make a return to halcyon days of the first decades of the postwar era virtually impossible is the decline of clearly defined political leadership. (Return Quotes)
The irony of what we define as a mistake can and will sometimes return to you as a redefined destiny that life sends your way without any of your own free will and choice in what happens. It just happens. Something in me changed in that one tell-tale moment. And for some strange reason, I knew there wasn’t a way of going back. (Return Quotes)