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Returning Quotes

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That was the day I began cutting classes and returning to TV tapings; it ultimately led to a friendship with Johnny O, and an increasing fascination and respect for what he did  (Returning Quotes) That is the returning to God which in reality is never concluded on earth but yet leaves behind in the soul a divine home sickness, which never again ceases  (Returning Quotes) In order to obtain the goal of returning to Palestine, all of us sometimes have to grit our teeth  (Returning Quotes) When you have two busy kids running around the house, returning e-mails is a task, let alone surfing the web  (Returning Quotes) If you are as happy in entering the White House as I shall feel on returning to Wheatland, you are a happy man indeed  (Returning Quotes) The young patriots now returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan and other deployments worldwide are joining the ranks of veterans to whom America owes an immense debt of gratitude  (Returning Quotes) However, when my parents married in 1945, China was in turmoil and the possibility of returning grew increasingly remote, and they decided to begin their family in the United States  (Returning Quotes) I notice with a certain sense of regret that far too many Europeans are returning to a regional and national mindset  (Returning Quotes) I did a study of soldiers returning from Iraq, and their levels of PTSD were much higher if they had had to shoot a woman or child, even if they knew the person was a suicide bomber  (Returning Quotes) Truth is Timeless, and returning to Truth is better than continuing in Falsehood  (Returning Quotes) I am happy that Poland is returning to the road of pluralism and democracy  (Returning Quotes) I’d prefer not responding to your email over not returning your phone call  (Returning Quotes) The hardest part of returning from vacation is adjusting back to doing nothing indoors  (Returning Quotes) Always go onward; returning to a favored place you will only find your old footsteps washed away  (Returning Quotes) Stacy Schiff is that rare combination: a first-rate historian and a brilliant storyteller. Using a wide range of sources, she spins straw into gold, conjuring the world of Ptolemaic Egypt in full vibrant color, and returning the voice of one of the most powerful, fascinating, and maligned women in history. Cleopatra is impossible to put down  (Returning Quotes) I think the combatant is always burdened with returning and making his way through his past. And that we as citizens have a responsibility to those guys upon return. We have to make some kind of an attempt to understand what their life is like  (Returning Quotes) For me, going back to itinerant landscape painting, it’s not about returning to an older method, but about building on what happened in the 20th century in photography. And also highlighting what the differences are between a painting and a photograph in picturing space  (Returning Quotes) Moving to Australia was not a career move, but a quality of life issue. It has no guns, no God, and no gangster rap. As an Ethiopian cab driver said to me the other day when I was returning from a gig in Sydney, Australia is a peaceful, democratic place. I like the relatively stress free lifestyle. It’s worth the drop in income  (Returning Quotes) My father, who was a sergeant in the RAF during the Second World War, was killed in a hitchhiking accident while returning home on compassionate leave. As a result, my mother had to get work, as a nurse, and at seven the RAF put me into a boarding school and ex-orphanage called the Royal Wolverhampton School  (Returning Quotes) I’ve been under the spell of the North ever since my childhood in Alaska. More and more, I’ve been returning to Alaska, and sometimes my adventures inspire a story.  (Returning Quotes) I counseled many returning missionaries. I interviewed 1,700 missionaries all over the world. My advice to them is that you should study and prepare for your life’s work in a field that you enjoy.  (Returning Quotes) It was no accident that just minutes after Israel became a nation, the United States... became the first nation in the world to recognize what was prophesized throughout the Old Testament about Israel returning after its absence.  (Returning Quotes) I’m a 27-year-old freshman, and returning to college after a seven-year break from high school was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.  (Returning Quotes) The nice thing about being away from home is the feeling of excitement when returning to it!  (Returning Quotes) I keep returning to the combination of artichoke, broad beans and lemon. The freshness of young beans and the lemon juice ‘lifts’ the artichoke and balances its hearty nature.  (Returning Quotes) Earth in beauty dressed Awaits returning spring. All true love must die, Alter at the best Into some lesser thing. Prove that I lie.  (Returning Quotes) No I don’t get scared when returning kicks or worry about getting hurt. I have been doing this since childhood so I am used to it.  (Returning Quotes) Have death always before your eyes as a salutary means of returning to God  (Returning Quotes) One night, I lay awake for hours, just terrified. When the dawn finally came up - the comfortable blue sky, the familiar world returning - I could think of no other way to express my relief than through poetry. I made a decision there and then that it was what I wanted to do. Every time I pulled a wishbone, it was what I asked for.  (Returning Quotes) To my mind, healing means returning a malfunctioning human body to full unrestricted function, not to remove parts of it by operation or amputation  (Returning Quotes)
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