Returning Quotes

Text Quotes
Vegans have a way of circling every conversation back to food, much like born-again Christians have a way of returning every conversation to the scripture. (Returning Quotes)
Reading to children at night, responding to their smiles with a smile, returning their vocalizations with one of your own, touching them, holding them - all of these further a child’s brain development and future potential, even in the earliest months. (Returning Quotes)
For many of the brave men and women who have fought on the front lines, returning home means trying to navigate a complicated and bureaucratic Veterans Administration benefits system. (Returning Quotes)
If you are as happy in entering the White House as I shall feel on returning to Wheatland, you are a happy man indeed. (Returning Quotes)
Returning to whereIt used to see blossoms,My mind, changed,Will stay on at Yoshino...Home now, and see anew. (Returning Quotes)
If there’s anything I have learned since returning to Congress, it’s that talk is still cheap, progress is still slow, and our liberties continue to erode every day. (Returning Quotes)
And so much of my life has been about returning home and longing for home, wanting my children to know about my roots. And I thought I can’t be the only one to feel this way so I thought it would be an interesting topic to explore. (Returning Quotes)
However, when my parents married in 1945, China was in turmoil and the possibility of returning grew increasingly remote, and they decided to begin their family in the United States. (Returning Quotes)
That was the day I began cutting classes and returning to TV tapings; it ultimately led to a friendship with Johnny O, and an increasing fascination and respect for what he did. (Returning Quotes)
Short forms are returning online. Interactivity is coming back; it was always there in oral storytelling. (Returning Quotes)
For me, the consolation of history resides in the fact that hypothetically returning to any point in time feels like coming home. (Returning Quotes)
There is a long history of founders returning to companies and doing great things. Founders are able to set the vision for their companies with an authority no one else can. (Returning Quotes)
I’m greedy about cities - I like to form my impressions of them on my own, and on foot as far as possible, looking and listening, having conversations with bridges and streets and riverbanks, conversations I tend not to be aware of until a little later, when I find myself returning to those places to say hello again, even if only in memory. (Returning Quotes)
Ahimsa calls for the strength and courage to suffer without retaliation, to receive blows without returning any. (Returning Quotes)
The average American returning from a trip abroad likely - and understandably - assumes the contents of his or her electronic device does not come close to meeting the threshold of ‘criminal’ activity, such as would give a government agent the right to seize and peruse their iPad just because they are returning from a vacation. (Returning Quotes)
Avoid hating people because you might have destroyed the bridge you have just used to cross the river; you’ll need that bridge to cross again when returning! (Returning Quotes)
I am in blood Stepp’d in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er. (Returning Quotes)
I often speak to returning service people about their experiences while serving. Whether in 1915 or 2005, the core issue of facing death on a daily basis remains. (Returning Quotes)
Oh my goodness me, Daniel Day-Lewis - huge, huge fan of his. I’ve always loved his philosophy on acting: he always talks about returning to a state of play. (Returning Quotes)
Any soldier returning home must rediscover his humanity and establish a livable peace with the discovered, liberated, permanently dark places in his own heart -- the darkness that is always with us. (Returning Quotes)
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... (Returning Quotes)
The young patriots now returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan and other deployments worldwide are joining the ranks of veterans to whom America owes an immense debt of gratitude. (Returning Quotes)
Reality has become a parallel universe with photographers returning with different versions of what it truly looks like. (Returning Quotes)
A comma . . . catches the gentle drift of the mind in thought, turning in on itself and back on itself, reversing, redoubling, and returning along the course of its own sweet river music; while the semicolon brings clauses and thoughts together with all the silent discretion of a hostess arranging guests around her dinner table. (Returning Quotes)
That is the returning to God which in reality is never concluded on earth but yet leaves behind in the soul a divine home sickness, which never again ceases. (Returning Quotes)
Although I could read before I went to school, and I won the school reading prize at five years old, my early children’s stories came from the radio and watching films at a cinema on Saturday mornings in Australia. It wasn’t until I was nine years old on a ship returning from Australia that I was introduced to children’s books. (Returning Quotes)
The soul of man is like to water; from Heaven it cometh, to Heaven it riseth And then returning to earth, forever alternating. (Returning Quotes)
Education today is a process of filling the mind with the contents of books, emptying the contents in the examination hall and returning empty-headed. (Returning Quotes)
The bottom line is that I wanted to come back and play in the Premier League again and wake up on Saturday morning and really fancy getting out there and playing in front of this fantastic support, scoring goals and enjoying football. (on returning to the premiership) (Returning Quotes)
... when he kissed her, she received the kiss without returning it, her eyes wide open, not afraid, not a virgin’s eyes, just flat and uninvolved. (Returning Quotes)