Revise Quotes
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Text Quotes
With a pencil and paper, I could revise the world (Revise Quotes)
Cut the ending. Revise the script. The man of her dreams is a girl (Revise Quotes)
The economists will have to revise their theories of value (Revise Quotes)
Only in your imagination can you revise (Revise Quotes)
You can’t revise a blank page (Revise Quotes)
I draft quickly and then revise, a lot (Revise Quotes)
I don’t want to help a politician revise the truth (Revise Quotes)
I’ve found that in business opportunities will constantly emerge or situations develop that make you revise your plans along the way. (Revise Quotes)
That is what we have in revisionist historians. It starts with their own atheism, their own unbelief, and then they go back and attempt to revise and rewrite history in their own image (Revise Quotes)
The biggest difference between a writer and a would-be writer is their attitude toward rewriting. . . . Unwillingness to revise usually signals an amateur. (Revise Quotes)
Khaddar is an attempt to revise and reverse the process and establish a better relationship between the cities and villages. (Revise Quotes)
I revise and revise and revise. I’m not even sure revise is the right word. I work a story almost to death before it’s done. (Revise Quotes)
I revise a lot while I’m drafting, often going back to the beginning again and again to revise because I’ve changed massive things about the story. By the time I get to the end of a first draft, I’ve been through the beginning lots of times. (Revise Quotes)
Trust your imagination. Don’t be afraid to fail. Write. Revise. Revise. Revise. (Revise Quotes)
At another level, though, poems can craft an eraser - we can’t revise the past, but poems allow us some malleability, an increased freedom of response, comprehension, feeling. Choice, what choices are possible for any given person, is another theme that’s run through my work from the start (Revise Quotes)
In working on a poem, I love to revise. Lots of younger poets don’t enjoy this, but in the process of revision I discover thing (Revise Quotes)
I hate editing. I love to write, but I hate to reread my stuff. To revise. (Revise Quotes)
I edit as I write. I revise endlessly. I don’t go forward until I know that what I’ve written is as good as I can make it. (Revise Quotes)
To be successful in life , Plan, Implement, Revise, Update, and Build on Change (Revise Quotes)
If I revise a children’s book, if I’m spending three hours on the first draft, I’m probably spending 30 minutes revising it. I mean, come on! But to redo a painting? That’s hard work. (Revise Quotes)
If you start to revise before you’ve reached the end, you’re likely to begin dawdling with the revisions and putting off the difficult task of writing. (Revise Quotes)
I’m not a speed writer. I write slowly and revise obsessively. The end result tends to be good. That’s where my strength is. (Revise Quotes)
When I am king, I will revise the sexual bases system so that getting to first base will include oral sex and sodomy! (Revise Quotes)
An attempt is already underway to revise history - to leave the impression that the former president had nothing to do with Watergate. But there is no doubt about his obstruction of justice after the Watergate break-in. (Revise Quotes)
We need to profoundly revise all of our taxes and charges. The aim is to tax pollution - notably fossil fuels - more, and tax work less (Revise Quotes)
I write with a fountain pen. And then revise word by word and line by line so that the first draft of a scene is usually the tenth or so draft. (Revise Quotes)
Yes, hypothetically, western Catholicism could revise the theme of celibacy. ... But for the moment, I am in favor of maintaining celibacy, with the pros and the cons it has, because we have ten centuries of more good experiences than bad ones. (Revise Quotes)
One good thing the teaching has given me is the ability to read and revise my own work (Revise Quotes)
We’ll need to revise the tired assumption that people automatically become more conservative as they grow older. (Revise Quotes)
I always entertain the notion that I'm wrong, or that I'll have to revise my opinion. Most of the time that feels good; sometimes it really hurts and is embarrassing (Revise Quotes)
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