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Revision Quotes

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I don’t have a schedule, but I can write for hours non-stop. If I’m drafting a book, I try and do a chapter a day. I dislike first drafts. Revision is a lot more fun, but it takes years.  (Revision Quotes) Somewhere I put it this way: first drafts are for learning what one’s fiction wants him to say. Revision works with that knowledge to enlarge and enhance an idea, to reform it. Revision is one of the exquisite pleasures of writing.  (Revision Quotes) Sometimes a fresh perspective is all you need to get a second wind on the revision process. Try viewing your material on a different medium; it will shed a new light on the inconsistencies in the dark.  (Revision Quotes) God Himself has reserved no right of revision of His own laws nor is there any need for Him for any such revision.  (Revision Quotes) Revision has its own peculiar pleasures and its own peculiar frustrations. The ground rules are already established; the characters already exist. You don’t have to bring the characters to life, but you do have to make them more convincing.  (Revision Quotes) Obama promised a return to competence and confidence and asked the nation to believe again that the government could do big things well. In the end, he got his big thing, a once-in-a-generation revision to the basic social compact, a commitment of health coverage to nearly all Americans. He has yet to prove he can do it well.  (Revision Quotes) Every issue of the paper presents an opportunity and a duty to say something courageous and true; to rise above the mediocre and conventional; to say something that will command the respect of the intelligent, the educated, the independent part of the community; to rise above fear of partisanship and fear of popular prejudice. I would rather have one article a day of this sort; and these ten or twenty lines might readily represent a whole day’s hard work in the way of concentrated, intense thinking and revision, polish of style, weighing of words  (Revision Quotes) While no man in his right mind would advocate sending our ground forces into continental China, and such was never given a thought, the new situation did urgently demand a drastic revision of strategic planning if our political aim was to defeat this new enemy as we had defeated the old  (Revision Quotes) Real equality is immensely difficult to achieve, it needs continual revision and monitoring of distributions. And it does not provide buffers between members, so they are continually colliding or frustrating each other  (Revision Quotes) There is an urgent need for a radical revision of our current concepts of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter and the brain  (Revision Quotes) Code is followed by commentary, and commentary by revision, and thus the task is never done  (Revision Quotes) There has been so much recent talk of progress in the areas of curriculum innovation and textbook revision that few people outside the field of teaching understand how bad most of our elementary school materials still are  (Revision Quotes) Revision has its own peculiar pleasures and its own peculiar frustrations. The ground rules are already established; the characters already exist. You don’t have to bring the characters to life, but you do have to make them more convincing  (Revision Quotes) It takes a fearless, unflinching love and deep humility to accept the universe as it is. The most effective way he knew to accomplish that, the most powerful tool at his disposal, was the scientific method, which over time winnows out deception. It can’t give you absolute truth because science is a permanent revolution, always subject to revision, but it can give you successive approximations of reality  (Revision Quotes) Science reserves the highest reward for those of you who disprove our most cherished beliefs. At any moment someone from any walk of life could come forward and be responsible for a complete revision of our view of everything  (Revision Quotes) Revision, once well done, becomes a sort of automatic itch which you scratch in the next work without thinking about it  (Revision Quotes) The longer I write, the more important I believe it is to write the first draft as fast as possible. In drafting, I push myself so I am at the edge of discomfort... Later, it will be time for consideration and reconsideration, slow, careful revision and editing. But on the first draft I have to achieve velocity, just as you do if you want the bike to balance  (Revision Quotes) Somewhere I put it this way: first drafts are for learning what one’s fiction wants him to say. Revision works with that knowledge to enlarge and enhance an idea, to reform it. Revision is one of the exquisite pleasures of writing  (Revision Quotes) The great thing about revision is that it’s your opportunity to fake being brilliant  (Revision Quotes) I would rather have one article a day of this sort; and these ten or twenty lines might readily represent a whole day’s hard work in the way of concentrated, intense thinking and revision, polish of style, weighing of words  (Revision Quotes) Memory offers up its gifts only when jogged by something in the present. It isn’t a storehouse of fixed images and words, but a dynamic associative network in the brain that is never quiet and is subject to revision each time we retrieve an old picture or old words  (Revision Quotes) The modern spectacle of vanished forests and eroded lands, wasted petroleum and ruthless mining, national debts recklessly increased until they are repudiated, and continual revision of positive law, is evidence of what an age without veneration does to itself and its successors  (Revision Quotes) Revision is the heart of writing. Every page I do is done over seven or eight times  (Revision Quotes) I write a lot in my head. The revision goes on internally. It’s not spontaneous and it doesn’t have a schedule  (Revision Quotes) Stories, as much as we like to talk about them, retrospectively, as emanations of theme or worldview or intention, occur primarily as technical objects when they’re being written. Or at least they do for me. They’re the result of thousands of decisions made at speed during revision  (Revision Quotes) Occasionally, I like to select a mentor, a master, and let him guide me through a revision of one of my paintings... I try to move into his terrain, bringing my own ammunition... I do not believe... that this belittles my own personality  (Revision Quotes) Half my life is an act of revision; more than half the act is performed with small changes  (Revision Quotes) I am particularly horrified by the use of propaganda and the manipulation of the truth and the revision of history  (Revision Quotes) My life is constant revision but it’s not revision, a lot of it is for the first time  (Revision Quotes) Then based on her own recent experience, the Divine Presence had a cruelly perverse sense of humor and His Grand Plan needed drastic revision  (Revision Quotes)
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