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Revisited Quotes

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Fashion is more usually a gentle progression of revisited ideas  (Revisited Quotes) The buildings... had suffered the inevitable shrinkage of places revisited  (Revisited Quotes) Wisdom comes from experience, but experience is not enough. Experience anticipated and experience revisited is the true source of wisdom  (Revisited Quotes) I excavate history. I look at lives buried under too much silence. Periods of time, like slavery, have to be revisited, reimagined, so we can move through them  (Revisited Quotes) Comedy is tragedy revisited or hostility. It is mock hostility, of course, or it would be ugly; we would have a war  (Revisited Quotes) I am Classic Rock Revisited. I revisit it every waking moment of my life because it has the spirit and the attitude and the fire and the middle finger. I am Rosa Parks with a Gibson guitar  (Revisited Quotes) I was inspired by the Hole in the Wall project, where a computer with an internet connection was put in a Delhi slum. When the slum was revisited after a month, the children of that slum had learned how to use the worldwide web  (Revisited Quotes) My own zigzag path through life led me back to Santa Cruz in the early Eighties, and I have revisited regularly since. The place hasn’t changed: head in the clouds, backside on the hills and feet in the ocean - one of the most decent and beautiful places on earth.  (Revisited Quotes)