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Revolution Quotes

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I’m not for real revolutions, because they always bring you the opposite of what you want. You very seldom get what you want if you have a violent revolution  (Revolution Quotes) India lives in several centuries at the same time. Every night outside my house I pass a road gang of emaciated laborers digging a trench to lay fiber optic cables to speed up digital revolution. They work by the light of a few candles  (Revolution Quotes) Total revolution of consciousness and our entire social, political and economic system is what interests me, but that’s not on the ballot  (Revolution Quotes) If you compromise in any kind of movement or any kind of wave of revolution, if you sort of play the game, things are gonna change far more slowly than you need them to  (Revolution Quotes) If you have compassion for society, only then will the events of your life, sow seeds of revolution in it  (Revolution Quotes) I wanted to start a revolution, using art to build the sort of society I myself envisioned  (Revolution Quotes) I decided to be confident one day, and then I just was. I think it’s a conscious decision. Everything in society tells you to hate yourself, but you know what? If you decide to love yourself, it’s an act of revolution  (Revolution Quotes) Violence, contrary to popular belief, is not part of the anarchist philosophy. It has repeatedly been pointed out by anarchist thinkers that the revolution can neither be won, nor the anarchist society established and maintained, by armed violence  (Revolution Quotes) Even the best parents have to spend so much time making ends meet that they cannot help their kids with homework or afford the extra tutoring that wealthier students enjoy. To address these unjust disparities, we need an early education revolution  (Revolution Quotes) Only those who have already experienced a revolution within themselves can reach out effectively to help others  (Revolution Quotes) The biggest effect of the personal computer revolution has been to allow millions and millions of people to experience computers themselves decades before they ever would have in the old paradigm  (Revolution Quotes) Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one  (Revolution Quotes) Should ardent spirits be everywhere banished from the list of drinks, it will be a revolution not the least remarkable in this revolutionary age, and our country will have its full share in that as in other merits  (Revolution Quotes) Computers are merely ingenious devices to fulfill unimportant functions. The computer revolution is an explosion of nonsense  (Revolution Quotes) It’s time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution. We’ve reached a certain point, but we’re not moving any more  (Revolution Quotes) When the views entertained in this volume on the origin of species, or when analogous views are generally admitted, we can dimly forsee that there will be a considerable revolution in natural history  (Revolution Quotes) Born in 1966, I came of age at the dawn of a revolution. The past was gone; we would move on and get over it!  (Revolution Quotes) I would like to believe that people knew what they were fighting for and why they wanted a revolution, and exactly what it was within that they didn’t like  (Revolution Quotes) It always feels great to be at the start of something new. It’s almost like a revolution, in a way  (Revolution Quotes) Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality  (Revolution Quotes) There is a tendency in things to right themselves, and the war or revolution or bankruptcy that shatters rotten system, allows things to take a new and natural order  (Revolution Quotes) Revolution begins with the self, in the self... We’d better take the time to fashion revolutionary selves, revolutionary lives, revolutionary relationships. Mouth don’t win the war  (Revolution Quotes) No times were more dangerous than when our country was born, when revolution was our midwife  (Revolution Quotes) It’s always a revolution, you know, when things occur of which you have never happened to hear!  (Revolution Quotes) France is revolutionary or she is nothing at all. The revolution of1789 is her political religion  (Revolution Quotes) We are expected, somehow, not to offend anyone on our way to liberation. There’s an absurd expectation that the women’s movement must be the first revolution in history to accomplish its goals without hurting anyone’s feelings  (Revolution Quotes) Revolution is like a love story. When you are in love, you become a much better person. And when you are in revolution, you become a much better person  (Revolution Quotes) We are challenged to develop a world perspective. No individual can live alone, no nation can live alone, and anyone who feels that he can live alone is sleeping through a revolution. The world in which we live is geographically one  (Revolution Quotes) A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind  (Revolution Quotes) If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience  (Revolution Quotes)
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