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Rewarding Quotes

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There’s a wealth of literature out there which, hopefully, will be, you know, exploded in the future, and I personally find it very rewarding to be involved with classic storytelling, and sort of legendary characters.  (Rewarding Quotes) Many of our nation’s great leaders began their careers at a service academy. I encourage anyone interested in a rewarding college experience or military career to apply as soon as possible.  (Rewarding Quotes) It’s rewarding to be able to change people’s perceptions of reality, ... They just see their environment in a different way. They have a kind of different-colored glasses that they can see their world in. To me, that’s really cool - when games can change you.  (Rewarding Quotes) People dressed up like me, at the comic-con in San Antonio. It’s very rewarding.  (Rewarding Quotes) Years of imprisoning and beheading writers never succeeded in shutting them out. However, placing them in the heart of a market and rewarding them with a lot of commercial success, has.  (Rewarding Quotes) One of the very rewarding aspects of my work has been the interaction with a superb group of colleagues and friends in the atmospheric sciences community.  (Rewarding Quotes) I have enjoyed every call. The ones involving direct contact with people have been most rewarding.  (Rewarding Quotes) Unfortunately, I think YouTube is going down the route of rewarding the select few around content creation, be it with partnerships or with ways of funding original content.  (Rewarding Quotes) The experience of both acting and producing has been wonderful. It certainly has created a full plate. But it is very exciting and rewarding to have creative input on the show. ‘Reed’ is about love and family and for me, playing a hand in shaping it has been deeply gratifying.  (Rewarding Quotes) As a writer of both novels and screenplays, I can say that screenwriting is a vastly rewarding creative life - if you fight hard enough to do it on your own terms. Whether I write books or not, my screenwriting life has been creatively rewarding and remains so.  (Rewarding Quotes) Crony capitalism is much easier than competing in an open market. But it erodes our overall standard of living and stifles entrepreneurs by rewarding the politically favored rather than those who provide what consumers want.  (Rewarding Quotes) A shift toward access and service would deepen the big-box retailer’s relationship to customers and win their loyalty. A service focus would bring more rewarding, frequent, and lasting contact with grateful customers.  (Rewarding Quotes) It’s always difficult to write honestly of one’s deepest feelings, particularly without the protective veil of fiction. But the more difficult, the more rewarding if one succeeds. Rewarding not only to the work but to one’s peace of mind.  (Rewarding Quotes) Unless the work of art has wholly exhausted its maker’s attention, it fails. This is why works of great significance are demanding and why they are infinitely rewarding.  (Rewarding Quotes) An athlete who tells you the training is always easy and always fun simply hasn’t been there. Goals can be elusive which makes the difficult journey all the more rewarding.  (Rewarding Quotes) I find digital content much easier and more rewarding to interact with on screen than printed on paper.  (Rewarding Quotes) It is rewarding beyond words to rescue a dog from the shelter and have that dog become part of your family.  (Rewarding Quotes) Business has to give people enriching, rewarding lives...or it’s simply not worth doing.  (Rewarding Quotes) I just want to do great work: work that inspires people... To know that you are given this gift in life and that you can gift other people with it, that’s the most rewarding thing for me.  (Rewarding Quotes) There’s something kind of rewarding about playing the hurricane. My job is to create drama and chaos and there’s a lot of fun to be had doing that.  (Rewarding Quotes) I’ve seen lots of Halloween people dressed up like me and they’ll send me pictures. And I found that very rewarding to know that I’ve reached anyone.  (Rewarding Quotes) It has been my privilege on various occasions to converse with presidents of the United States and important men in other governments. At the close of each such occasion, I have reflected on the rewarding experience of standing with confidence in the presence of an acknowledged leader.  (Rewarding Quotes) In principle, I think the idea of rewarding a good effort is interesting, but movies are generally different from each other as are performances and the conditions on how the performances are given and how they’re edited and so forth.  (Rewarding Quotes) Love is life’s end, but never ending. Love is life’s wealth, never spent, but ever spending. Love’s life’s reward, rewarded in rewarding.  (Rewarding Quotes) I really enjoy my philanthropic work, traveling around the world and helping people in need. That’s a lot of fun for me. It’s really rewarding. You’re helping people, but it’s helping you, too. It puts life in perspective when you come back and you say, ‘Man, it’s raining again in Minnesota.’  (Rewarding Quotes) Guys, don’t follow Elkanah’s example. Get involved at home. If God has given you a wife, put the effort into understanding her. Is it an impossible task? Most assuredly. But sometimes the challenging jobs are the most rewarding. Wives need men who engage and participate, not abdicate as parent and spouse. For too many husbands the lights are on, but nobody is home.  (Rewarding Quotes) For me the printing process is part of the magic of photography. It’s that magic that can be exciting, disappointing, rewarding and frustrating all in the same few moments in the darkroom.  (Rewarding Quotes) No one is born with skill. It is developed through exercise, through repetition, through a blend of learning and reflection that’s both painstaking and rewarding. And it takes time.  (Rewarding Quotes) I think living in our culture right now, there’s a universal experience where we feel like we become what we do. Sometimes that’s rewarding and sometimes that creates an existential crisis.  (Rewarding Quotes) Nothing is as hard as it looks; everything is more rewarding than you expect; and if anything can go right it will and at the best possible moment.  (Rewarding Quotes)
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