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Rework Quotes

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I destroy things every day in the act of working and often recall a picture I had considered finished in order to rework it  (Rework Quotes) It’s going to cost trillions of dollars to rework the energy sources all over the world. Were going to have to move away from fossil fuels  (Rework Quotes) This is writing. You cut out chunks of your own memories, rework them, bleed into them, breathe into the raw clay, and hope the creature lives  (Rework Quotes) It’s certainly what I like best about getting older. You’re not up for grabs for criticism anymore. You make a decision, it’s made, it’s fine, you don’t have to go back and rework it. You don’t have to apologize  (Rework Quotes) I never feel I repeat myself. I really go out of my way to amuse myself. I would be bored stiff. If I feel the déjavu when I’m doing something, I stop and rethink and rework it  (Rework Quotes) Nothing comes naturally to me...I have to work and rework and that’s where the ideas come from - from years of working on it and thinking about it  (Rework Quotes) A lot of Woody Guthrie’s songs were taken from other songs. He would rework the melody and lyrics, and all of a sudden it was a Woody Guthrie song.  (Rework Quotes) With liberalisation, Indian industry gained international exposure because of which it became imperative for companies to rework their strategies to become globally competitive.  (Rework Quotes) It’s going to cost trillions of dollars to rework the energy sources all over the world. Were going to have to move away from fossil fuels.  (Rework Quotes) For me, the good songs are the ones that come really naturally. There are certain songs that you rework and rewrite and the craft becomes very evident, but a lot of times those aren’t my favorite songs. The favorite songs are the ones that I can’t even hear my own voice in.  (Rework Quotes)