Rich People Quotes

Text Quotes
The best thing for rich people to do is become Batman (Rich People Quotes)
Poor people have big TV’s. Rich people have big libraries (Rich People Quotes)
Rich people think BIG. Poor people think small (Rich People Quotes)
I do not interfere, and people become rich by themselves (Rich People Quotes)
Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers. (Rich People Quotes)
People who get rich early should help the rest get rich (Rich People Quotes)
Let some people get rich first (Rich People Quotes)
There are two types of poor people, those who are poor together and those who are poor alone. The first are the true poor, the others are rich people out of luck (Rich People Quotes)
But only ‘rich’ people by definition have the ‘extra’ money to buy things and invest to create economic growth. Do we really want to tax that ‘extra’ money away - and give it to the government to spend? Does that make any economic sense outside of politics and our emotional desire to make everyone suffer equally through these tough times? (Rich People Quotes)
In the past there were people who were not rich but contented with their living style, laughing and happy all day. But when the new rich people appear, people look at them and ask, ‘why don’t I have a life like that too, a beautiful house, car and garden,’ and they abandon their values (Rich People Quotes)
You campaigned against rich people and you got enough envy whipped up in the country and you’re gonna get ‘em. You’re gonna stick it to those rich people. But guess what? You may not get anymore revenue. You may not get anymore economic growth. But you can say, ‘I stuck it to the rich people.’ (Rich People Quotes)
Rich People plan for three generations Poor people plan for Saturday night (Rich People Quotes)
Rich people always have a certain degree of debt. Apparently it helps to reduce taxes. I’m not so hot on the bean-counting side (Rich People Quotes)
President Bush announced his new economic plan. The centerpiece was a proposed repeal of the dividend tax on stocks, a boon that could be worth millions of dollars to average Americans. Well, average stock-owning Americans. Technically, Americans who own a significant amount of shares in dividend-dealing companies. Well, rich people, that’s what I’m trying to say. They’re going to do really well with this (Rich People Quotes)
Some people get rich studying artificial intelligence. I make money studying natural stupidity. (Rich People Quotes)
Rich people in poor places want to show off their wealth. And their less affluent counterparts feel pressure to fake it, at least in public. Nobody wants the stigma of being thought poor. (Rich People Quotes)
The goal to strive for is a poor government but a rich people (Rich People Quotes)
The only thing I like about rich people is their money (Rich People Quotes)
Death is the most convenient time to tax rich people (Rich People Quotes)
The best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people (Rich People Quotes)
Rich people are those who know that the best is yet to come (Rich People Quotes)
Rich people invest money and poor people spend it (Rich People Quotes)
I’ve never known a lot of rich people. It’s not my bag (Rich People Quotes)
In all the world, rich people are very unpopular (Rich People Quotes)
Rich people are poor people with money (Rich People Quotes)
Most rich people are the poorest people I know (Rich People Quotes)
Loneliness is the universal problem of rich people (Rich People Quotes)
You can never become rich unless you like rich people (Rich People Quotes)
Nothing is more portable than rich people and their money (Rich People Quotes)
Only poor people are weird. Rich people are eccentric (Rich People Quotes)