Richie Norton Quotes

Text Quotes
If you can dream it up, you can team it up (Richie Norton Quotes)
Have the courage to do what you’re not ready to do (Richie Norton Quotes)
When it comes to getting a job or client, congruent value is aligning the employer’s need with your value add. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Creativity is at the heart of every stupid idea creativity and stupid are interchangeable because everything inherent to that kind of creativity requires breaking away from the norm, going against the grain, and leaning into risk and fear. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Creativity is at the heart of every stupid idea . . . creativity and stupid are interchangeable . . . because everything inherent to that kind of creativity requires breaking away from the norm, going against the grain, and leaning into risk and fear. (Richie Norton Quotes)
The way to be irreplaceable is to become a social innovator. Start projects that motivate you to save the world and simultaneously make you money (and create mindshare) for your company. Social innovation makes magic happen. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Urgency means paying the details the attention they deserve, with the respect they deserve, without delay. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could travel into the future, see where you messed up, and then go back in time to rearrange things in order to make your future better? You can. If you can foresee regret, you can mind-travel to the future. If you can train yourself to mind-travel effectively, you can intentionally affect your future by doing something about it today. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Act NOW on those ideas! As they say, you snooze you lose. Or as I say, if you BEGIN you WIN. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Truly being authentic is knowing what matters to you, on the deepest level of who you are, and committing always to act from that authentic center. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Overcome the prideful need to measure your worth by how much more successful you are than others, by operating from a core belief grounded in abundance. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Like creating a masterpiece, quitting is an art: you have to decide what to keep within the frame and what to keep out. (Richie Norton Quotes)
The willingness to be a champion for stupid ideas is the key to greater creativity, innovation, fulfillment, inspiration, motivation and success. (Richie Norton Quotes)
To accelerate success, we must get as close to our dreams as possible as soon as possible (Richie Norton Quotes)
A principle is not merely a fundamental truth, but principles must serve as the very first source of every decision we make along the road to success. (Richie Norton Quotes)
Live to start your stupid ideas, and start to live a life without regret--a life filled with meaning, freedom, happiness, fun, authenticity, and influence. (Richie Norton Quotes)