Rick Joyner Quotes

Text Quotes
For those who are walking in their purpose, even the great tribulation will be a minor event. There will be far more attention on what Christ is doing than on what the antichrist is doing (Rick Joyner Quotes)
The Great Commission to go into all the world is not only geographical, but must include every field, profession, discipline, sport, etc. (Rick Joyner Quotes)
From the first Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has proven that He will only come to the degree that we have unity. (Rick Joyner Quotes)
There will never be anything more exciting or wonderful than being close to God (Rick Joyner Quotes)
Do not look at your weakness or your small size; look at the Lord and His greatness that He will demonstrate through you. You now have the authority to tear down the strongholds of the enemy and to make New Zealand a fortress of righteousness (Rick Joyner Quotes)
We have been discussing sin and the carnal nature from which disciples are getting free. However, we cannot get free by our own strength from these things. It takes our will to want to get free in order to please the Lord and be delivered from what is bringing so much death upon the world. However, we need God’s grace and His power to live free of these things (Rick Joyner Quotes)
True Christianity is a life of sacrifice. It requires that in everything we live for the Lord and others, not ourselves (Rick Joyner Quotes)
God does not judge the condition or quality of His church by how good the meetings are on Sunday morning, but by how good the people are on Monday morning. The main calling of our life is more than just knowing the truth - it is having that truth become our life (Rick Joyner Quotes)
We do not want to have mercy for the things God has under judgment. We do not want to fall in the ditch on the otherside of unsanctified mercy (Rick Joyner Quotes)
It is not worrying, but rather trusting and abiding in the peace of God that will crush anything that Satan tries to do to us. If the Lord created the world out of chaos, He can easily deal with any problem that we have (Rick Joyner Quotes)
From the first Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has proven that He will only come to the degree that we have unity (Rick Joyner Quotes)
We are in the times of the beginning of a new epoch for Christianity. True apostolic Christianity is being restored to the earth (Rick Joyner Quotes)
The Great Commission to go into all the world is not only geographical, but must include every field, profession, discipline, sport, etc (Rick Joyner Quotes)
Jesus is the ultimate solution to every human problem and the ultimate hope for all mankind (Rick Joyner Quotes)
Labor is cheap, friends are expensive, but sons are priceless (Rick Joyner Quotes)
Gifts are given, but fruit must be grown (Rick Joyner Quotes)
True faith begins with true repentance for whatever we have been doing that is wrong (Rick Joyner Quotes)
Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall. In this life you can fall from any level (Rick Joyner Quotes)
God employs different strategies for different places or purposes (Rick Joyner Quotes)
Satan’s first strategy is to keep religion intellectual (Rick Joyner Quotes)
Most people are far more prone to let the bad experiences shape their views than the good ones (Rick Joyner Quotes)
In time, the church will actually be organized more as a military force with an army, navy, air force, etc (Rick Joyner Quotes)