Rick Yancey Quotes

Text Quotes
It was the price of survival. The cost of his people’s last, desperate gamble: To rid his new home of humanity, he had to become human. And being human, he had to overcome his humanity (Rick Yancey Quotes)
Sometimes in my tent, late at night, I think I can hear the stars scraping against the sky (Rick Yancey Quotes)
The harder survival becomes, the more you want to pull together. And the more you want to pull together, the harder survival becomes (Rick Yancey Quotes)
It wasn’t aliens that first made us gear up for war; it was our fellow humans (Rick Yancey Quotes)
Still, you tend to believe what you always believed, think what you always thought, expect what you always expected (Rick Yancey Quotes)
It’s like a cockroach working up a plan to defeat the shoe on its way down to crush it (Rick Yancey Quotes)
It’s almost dawn. You can feel it coming. The world holds its breath, because there’s really no guarantee that the sun will rise. That there was a yesterday doesn’t mean there will be a tomorrow (Rick Yancey Quotes)
The minute we decide that one person doesn´t matter anymore, they´ve won (Rick Yancey Quotes)
It’s hard to plan for what comes next when what comes next is not something you planned for (Rick Yancey Quotes)
There was, like, this black hole where the world used to be, and we were both falling toward it. What could we hold on to? (Rick Yancey Quotes)
If the world breaks a million and one promises, can you trust the million and second? (Rick Yancey Quotes)
There are times when fear is not our enemy. There are times when fear is our truest, sometimes only, friend (Rick Yancey Quotes)
A man lies upon the floor, spreads his arms, and transforms himself into a ship of a thousand sails (Rick Yancey Quotes)
So often the monsters that crowd our minds are nothing more than the strange and thoroughly alien progeny of our own fearful fantasies (Rick Yancey Quotes)
You never know when the truth will come home. You can’t choose the time. The time chooses you (Rick Yancey Quotes)
Maybe you reach a certain point in evolution where boredom is the greatest threat to your survival. Maybe this isn’t a planetary takeover at all, but a game. Like a kid pulling wings off flies (Rick Yancey Quotes)
A child has little defense against the sight of a parent laid low. Parents, like the earth beneath our feet and the sun above our heads, are immutable objects, eternal and reliable. If one should fall, who might vouch the sun itself won’t fall, burning, into the sea? (Rick Yancey Quotes)
I do not mean to mock or ridicule your life’s work, for in one way at least it mimics my own: We have dedicated our lives to the pursuit of phantoms. The difference is the nature of those phantoms. Mine exist between other men’s ears; yours live solely between your own (Rick Yancey Quotes)
A moment comes in war when the last line must be crossed. The line that separates what you hold dear from what total war demands. If he couldn’t cross that line, the battle was over, and he was lost. His heart, the war. Her face, the battlefield. With a cry only he could hear, the hunter turned. And ran (Rick Yancey Quotes)
Soon I will fall asleep and I will wake from this terrible dream. The endless night will fall, and I will rise. I long for that night. I do not fear it. I have had my fill of fear. I have stared too long into the abyss, and now the abyss stares back at me (Rick Yancey Quotes)
To show mercy is not naïve. To hold out against the end of hope is not stupidity or madness. It is fundamentally human. Of course... We are all doomed; we are all poisoned from our birth by the rot of stars. That does not mean we should succumb... to the seductive fallacy of despair, the dark tide that would drown us. You may think I’m stupid, you may call me a madman and a fool, but at least I stand upright in a fallen world (Rick Yancey Quotes)