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You need not aspire for or get any new state. Get rid of your present thoughts, that is all  (Rid Quotes) Never let a domestic quarrel ruin a day’s writing. If you can’t start the day fresh, get rid of your wife  (Rid Quotes) Cleaning is my favorite way to relax. I clear things out and get rid of the stuff I don’t need. When the food pantry and the refrigerator are organized, I feel less stressed  (Rid Quotes) Getting rid of the dictator is only a first step in establishing a free society. The dictatorship must also be disassembled  (Rid Quotes) Disease is nothing else but an attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of morbific matter  (Rid Quotes) I have learned, as has many another better writer, to summon inspiration to my call as soon as I begin my day’s stint, and not to hang around waiting for it. Inspiration is merely a pretty phrase for the zest to work. And it can be cultivated by anyone who has the patience to try. Inspiration that will not come at its possessor’s summons is like a dog that cannot be trained to obey. The sooner both are gotten rid of, the better  (Rid Quotes) The arsenal of megadeath can’t be rid no matter what the peace treaties come to  (Rid Quotes) I like to take a puff or two before going on the air. I still get stage fright when I have to perform. A little grass gets rid of the problem  (Rid Quotes) Not that I have any little kids running around I need to keep away from the guns. I had any kids I’d get rid of the guns. Nothing more dangerous to the life of a child than a house full of firearms. Nothing more dangerous except maybe a parent  (Rid Quotes) To be happy, one must rid oneself of prejudice, be virtuous, healthy, and have a capacity for enjoyment and for passion  (Rid Quotes) I’ve got the brain of a four year old. I’ll bet he was glad to be rid of it  (Rid Quotes) Design isn’t crafting a beautiful, textured button with breathtaking animation. It’s figuring out if there’s a way to get rid of the button altogether  (Rid Quotes) A loose horse is any horse sensible enough to get rid of its rider at an early stage and carry on unencumbered  (Rid Quotes) Every time I make, I’ve made a piece of work, I’ve wanted to get rid of it, obliterate it and do the next thing, because it was never quite what I wanted. I think the moment you think you’ve arrived is the moment that you should stop  (Rid Quotes) I look upon cancer in the same way that I look upon heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, or even obesity, for that matter, in that by dramatically strengthening the body’s immune system through diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise, the body can rid itself of the cancer, just as it does in other degenerative diseases. Consequently, I wouldn’t have chemotherapy and radiation because I’m not interested in therapies that cripple the immune system, and, in my opinion, virtually ensure failure for the majority of cancer patients  (Rid Quotes) I still have guilt. I will probably never get rid of that, but yes, I’m free of the compulsion and the driving need to do it I don’t think I’m capable of creating anything. I think the only thing I’m capable of is destroying I’m sick and tired of being destructive. What worth is life if you can’t be helpful to someone?  (Rid Quotes) When I write, I make my memories tangible, and in this way I can get rid of them  (Rid Quotes) There is a growing subculture of barefoot runners, people who got rid of their shoes. And what they have found uniformly is you get rid of the shoes, you get rid of the stress, you get rid of the injuries and the ailments  (Rid Quotes) Panic is the great access of creativity because that’s the only way to get rid of your mind  (Rid Quotes) Get rid of all the hesitation, it’s time for you to seize the day  (Rid Quotes) The single most effective way to get rid of rumor and speculation is to be transparent  (Rid Quotes) The dietician is going to get rid of that when he comes in. Although, first, we’ve got to get a dietician  (Rid Quotes) The best way to become more creative is to create nothing. By this, I mean that you should return to zero point. Rid yourself of all the mental and emotional blocks that keep you from manifesting your full creative potential  (Rid Quotes) Rid the mind of knowledge when looking for pleasure. Or start thinking and find a lot of pain  (Rid Quotes) One of the great gifts of being a human being is that you can get rid of yourself and enter into the oneness of music  (Rid Quotes) If only we correct our eating habits than not only we would have perfect body weight but also we can get rid of most of the diseases  (Rid Quotes) Eating healthy nutritious food is the simple and right solution to get rid of excess body weight effortlessly and become slim and healthy forever  (Rid Quotes) Remember you don’t meditate to get anything, but to get rid of things. We do it, not with desire, but with letting go. If you want anything, you wont find it  (Rid Quotes) There’s no need to get rid of literally hundreds of thousands of books that are fine simply because you have a problem with an isolated book or piece of literature that presents extremism  (Rid Quotes) Most people think happiness is about gaining something, but it’s not. It’s all about getting rid of the darkness you accumulate  (Rid Quotes)
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