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I’m very much for making everything safe. The more natural the means we use to raise our vegetables and get rid of bugs, the better  (Rid Quotes) If a man wishes to rid himself of a feeling of unbearable oppression, he may have to take hashish  (Rid Quotes) The very fact that we wish for liberation shows that freedom from all bondage is our real nature. It is not to be freshly acquired. All that is necessary is to get rid of the false notion that we are bound  (Rid Quotes) If suicide be supposed a crime, it is only cowardice can impel us to it. If it be no crime, both prudence and courage should engage us to rid ourselves at once of existence when it becomes a burden. It is the only way that we can then be useful to society, by setting an example which, if imitated, would preserve every one his chance for happiness in life, and would effectually free him from all danger or misery  (Rid Quotes) Me and my big mouth! I’d get rid of it, only it’s such a handy place to keep my teeth  (Rid Quotes) This is like the town council just hired a new marshal to clean up the town, I guarantee you, if I stay here long enough, they’ll get rid of me, too  (Rid Quotes) That’s the result of the black cloud on baseball,.. Until it’s rid of steroids, people are naturally going to think that  (Rid Quotes) Cultivate your own garden and let go of your tendency to examine and judge how others cultivate theirs. Catch yourself in moments of gossip about how others ought to be living and rid yourself of thoughts about how they should be doing it this way, or how they have no right to live and think as they do. Stay busy and involved in your own projects and pursuits  (Rid Quotes) You can’t get rid of a part that makes you you and be happy  (Rid Quotes) Industrial hemp is a very useful plant. I challenged the attorney general to get rid of the criminal stigma associated with hemp so we can look at it in terms of how it might be useful  (Rid Quotes) The gods gave me a father who ruled over me and rid me of any trace of arrogance and showed me that one can live in a palace without bodyguards, extravagant attire, chandeliers, statues, and other luxuries. He taught me that it is possible to live instead pretty much in the manner of a private citizen without losing any of the dignity and authority a ruler must possess to discharge his imperial duties effectively  (Rid Quotes) You couldn’t get rid of the past. You couldn’t ignore it, or bury it, or throw it over the balcony. You just had to learn to live beside it. It had to peacefully co exist with your present. If I could figure out how to do that, I could be okay  (Rid Quotes) I was thinking what an interesting concept it is to eliminate the writer from the artistic process. If we can just get rid of these actors and directors, maybe we got something here  (Rid Quotes) If others examined themselves attentively, as I do, they would find themselves, as I do, full of inanity and nonsense. Get rid of it I cannot without getting rid of myself  (Rid Quotes) I don’t think my films are going to get rid of racism or prejudice. I think the best thing my films can do is provoke discussion  (Rid Quotes) For these cultures, getting rid of the pain without addressing the deeper cause would be like shutting off a fire alarm while the fire’s still going  (Rid Quotes) If we are ever to have pure knowledge of anything, we must get rid of the body and contemplate things by themselves with the soul by itself  (Rid Quotes) Always get rid of theory private object in this way: assume that it constantly changes, but that you do not notice the change because your memory constantly deceives you  (Rid Quotes) Lusts are like agues; the fit is not always on, and yet the man is not rid of his disease; and some men’s lusts, like some agues, have not such quick returns as others  (Rid Quotes) In my better moments, I think of apathy as purpose’s sleep. In my worse moments, when I’m trying to fix it or get rid of it, I call it feeling lazy, depressed, or useless  (Rid Quotes) If you want to be like me, work hard and believe in it, and if you don’t believe in it, get rid of it  (Rid Quotes) My mission is to lead the country out of a bad situation of corruption, depression and slavery. After I rid the country of these vices, I will then organize and supervise a general election of a genuinely democratic civilian government  (Rid Quotes) Don’t medicate dysfunction with spending. No amount of stuff will get rid of guilt  (Rid Quotes) One of the most crucial but hardest things to do as part of turning your life around is to get rid of all the negative people around you and replace them with people who encourage you instead  (Rid Quotes) If we want to save some money, let’s just get rid of the court  (Rid Quotes) I think that taxes would be fair if we first get rid of the tax code  (Rid Quotes) What I teach the people many times is that attitude and attention will determine the whole course of our lives. Get rid of fear and that is all you ever have to get rid of. Fear of anything at all  (Rid Quotes) It is difficult to get rid of people when you once have given them too much pleasure  (Rid Quotes) One of the first things we must get rid of is the idea that democracy is tantamount to capitalism  (Rid Quotes) You spend a good part of your adult life acquiring things: building a home, filling it with objects that please your eye and make you feel comfortable. Then you spend the last part of your life trying to figure out how to get rid of it all  (Rid Quotes)
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