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If you really want to help the rest of the world, what you’ve got to do is encourage free markets, private property rights and the strong rule of law and get rid of the dictators in a lot of these countries.  (Rid Quotes) Because of the Korean free trade agreement, South Koreans who want Oregon blueberries are gonna see their prices go down because we will be getting rid of a 45 percent tariff on this Oregon product.  (Rid Quotes) Individual transportation has become synonymous for freedom and liberty, so it would be difficult to actually get rid of individualized transport, and in rural areas that would be impossible.  (Rid Quotes) It took us a long time to get rid of the effects of the French Revolution 200 years ago. We don’t want another one.  (Rid Quotes) Never let a domestic quarrel ruin a day’s writing. If you can’t start the day fresh, get rid of your wife.  (Rid Quotes) Youth, however, is a defect that she is fast getting away from and may perhaps be entirely rid of before I shall want her.  (Rid Quotes) When people aren’t having any fun, they seldom produce good work. Kill the grimness with laughter. Encourage exuberance. Get rid of sad dogs that spread gloom.  (Rid Quotes) How about we get rid of separate bathrooms for boys and girls? Gays and straights share the bathroom with zero issues. We need to put an end to the sexist pooping policies of yesterday. The only way to achieve gender equality is to start crapping in front of each other.  (Rid Quotes) If someone doesn’t fit in your company, you have an obligation to get rid of them, because you’re holding them back from excelling elsewhere.  (Rid Quotes) In my younger days, I was arrogant - jail helped me to get rid of it. I did nothing but make enemies because of my arrogance.  (Rid Quotes) Life’s too short to worry about injecting botulism into your face to get rid of a tiny line because you’ve laughed too much. To me, that’s a bit warped.  (Rid Quotes) Instead of facing consequences for something you done without knowing it, try to overcome or just get rid of it.  (Rid Quotes) I would like to get rid of the homophobes, sexists, and racists in our audience. I know they’re out there and it really bothers me.  (Rid Quotes) Believe it or not, I loved my Jheri curl and thought it was beautiful on me. It actually made my hair grow like crazy. What they didn’t tell you back then was that once you get the Jheri curl, there’s no way of getting rid of it, so when I was over it, I ended up having to cut off all my hair and start all over again.  (Rid Quotes) Keep in mind that no matter how perfectly you get your life in order, you will never be rid of all your problems. Problems are a way of life, always have been, always will be. But how you elect to view those problems is all up to you.  (Rid Quotes) Retirement is not in my vocabulary. They aren’t going to get rid of me that way.  (Rid Quotes) It’s not bringing in the new ideas that’s so hard; it’s getting rid of the old ones  (Rid Quotes) It’s easier to get rid of things when you’re giving them to someone who can use them, but don’t let this kind intention become a source of clutter itself. I have a friend who has multiple piles all over her house, each lovingly destined for a particular recipient.  (Rid Quotes) I come from the school who thought the Internet could be the great democratising force, that getting rid of the gatekeepers was a positive move.  (Rid Quotes) We’re never going to be able to get rid of terrorism, because there is always going to be evil in the world.  (Rid Quotes) My mother made a lot of things because she thought they’d be healthy for us. There were some very unfortunate experiences with whole wheat bread and bananas. I always tried to get rid of that sandwich and eat one of my friends’ lunches.  (Rid Quotes) Western Costume, and the old Universal wardrobe that is huge and they’re getting rid of so much of it now, which is sad.  (Rid Quotes) ...I want my spirituality to rid me of hate, not give me reason for it.  (Rid Quotes) The safest thing to do was get rid of the second breast. I just want to give myself the best chance possible to live.  (Rid Quotes) Until we get rid of religion, we won’t be able to conduct the search for God  (Rid Quotes) Here is a good revolution in conscious and a good salvation formula for mankind: Get rid of religion, keep the God!  (Rid Quotes) There are some days I take my violin out and it feels dreadful, like nothing is responding, and I want to sell it and get rid of it. And the next day suddenly the skies open up and the sound is glorious again. So it’s like a relationship: There are good days and bad days.  (Rid Quotes) I don’t believe any person looking for work is fearful of political judgment. Government is a large institution, and if they believe that people are going to get rid of good employees for political reasons, that’s absurd.  (Rid Quotes) If you get rid of a lot of the poseurs by destroying record companies, maybe it’s a good trade-off.  (Rid Quotes) My guess [is] . . . that the great majority of Americans are saying they favor gun control when they really mean gun banishment. . . . I think the country has long been ready to restrict the use of guns, except for hunting rifles and shotguns, and now I think we’re prepared to get rid of the damned things entirely - the handguns, the semis and the automatics.  (Rid Quotes)
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