Rise Quotes
Text Quotes
Why should we will the best of passions, love? It aids the hero, bids ambition rise to nobler heights, inspires immortal deeds, even softens brutes, and adds a grace to virtue (Rise Quotes)
Rocks rich in gems, and mountains big with mines, that on the high equator, ridgy, rise, whence many a bursting stream auriferous plays (Rise Quotes)
Someday I'd like to see something rise up out of the earth – just for the sake of variety (Rise Quotes)
Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. I mean do not be disheartened by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage (Rise Quotes)
Be not discouraged. There is a future for you... The resistance encountered now predicates hope... Only as we rise... Do we encounter opposition (Rise Quotes)
The American people await action. They didn't send us here to bicker. They ask us to rise above the merely partisan. In crucial things, unity - and this, my friends, is crucial (Rise Quotes)
And in the morning when the sun rise. Look in the water, see the blue sky. As if heaven has been laid there at our feet (Rise Quotes)
It's when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached (Rise Quotes)
People who want to rise above a well cooked meal and a well tailored garment, are out of their spiritual minds (Rise Quotes)
I wish thy way. And when in me myself should rise, and long for something otherwise, then lord, take sword and spear and slay (Rise Quotes)
I've just been bitten on the neck by a vampire... mosquito. Does that mean that when the night comes I will rise and be annoying? (Rise Quotes)
At a minimum, in explaining evolutionary pathways through time, the constraints imposed by history rise to equal prominence with the immediate advantages of adaptation (Rise Quotes)
Rise above the deceptions and temptations of the mind. This is your duty. You are born for this only; all other duties are self-created and self-imposed owing to ignorance (Rise Quotes)
An evil man is a saint of the future. See good in everything. Destroy the evil-finding quality. Develop the good-finding quality. Rise above good and evil (Rise Quotes)
Father of rosy day, no more thy clouds of incense rise; but waking flow'rs, at morning hours, give out their sweets to meet thee in the skies (Rise Quotes)
What use is it to slumber here: though the heart be sad and weary? What use is it to slumber here though the day rise dark and dreary? (Rise Quotes)
He that fights and runs away, may turn and fight another day; but he that is in battle slain, will never rise to fight again (Rise Quotes)
Go to your banquet then, but use delight so as to rise still with an appetite (Rise Quotes)
Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds, yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored (Rise Quotes)
Let it rise! Let it rise, till it meet the sum in his coming; let the earliest light of the morning gild it, and the parting day linger and play on its summit (Rise Quotes)
Not everyone likes the stable, gradual rise of our country. There are some who are using the democratic ideology to interfere in our internal affairs (Rise Quotes)
It is no policy to let thy lusts have arms, which are sure to rise and declare against thee when thine enemy comes (Rise Quotes)
By the time you rise through the ranks, the culture of homogenization has bred the spirit and imagination out of you (Rise Quotes)
It seems such a shame when the English claim the Earth, that they give rise to such hilarity and mirth (Rise Quotes)
If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds (Rise Quotes)
There is not the least cause for worry about financial affairs; every person who wills to do so may rise above want, have all he needs, and become rich (Rise Quotes)
No possible combination of circumstances can keep a man down, if he makes his personal attitude right and determines to rise (Rise Quotes)
Liquor prohibition led to the rise of organized crime in America, and drug prohibition has led to the rise of the gang problems we have now (Rise Quotes)
Gay culture is surviving and thriving. Some activists believe the recent rise in homophobic violence might be a gauge of the success of positive gay images (Rise Quotes)
I’m a four star general in this thing, and you don’t rise to the ranks of a four star general by hanging about the house being the perfect dad (Rise Quotes)