Risk Quotes

Text Quotes
As the head of security for an airline, I can’t ask my passengers to risk their lives and jump on a terrorist. This is why we need air marshals on every flight (Risk Quotes)
I have no right to risk. No, that’s not quite correct. I have no right to failure. and I don’t trust myself anymore. I don’t know what’s happened to my edge. Lost it in a strange land (Risk Quotes)
The risk of a business being hit by a low probability, high impact event is far higher than most boards realise because the number of potential wild cards is so great (Risk Quotes)
The massive reduction in risk that is inherent in the development of the modern corporation has been far from fully appreciated (Risk Quotes)
He checked, of course. Being sure and being willing to risk that surety against his future were not the same thing (Risk Quotes)
When you ignore what people are saying on a daily basis, calling for the annihilation of your country, you are ignoring them at your own risk (Risk Quotes)
I was aware that the loosening of mortgage credit terms for subprime borrowers increased financial risk. But I believed then, as now, that the benefits of broadened home ownership are worth the risk (Risk Quotes)
Nowadays we raise our children in a cocoon of domesticated security, far from any sense of risk or adventure (Risk Quotes)
In the end, young people are at risk of being disinherited from their community if that community lacks the courage and confidence to teach its history (Risk Quotes)
Never indulge people who follow negative paths because it will lead to your ruin in the process. Show them the way to positivism even if there’s a risk of losing their friendship (Risk Quotes)
I think what I learned is that wealth comes not just from taking risk but from constantly taking risks (Risk Quotes)
In a world where technology and capital are highly transferable, there is a real risk that comparative advantage comes to be defined as whose labor force will work for the lowest wage (Risk Quotes)
The common thread that binds nearly all animal species seems to be that males are willing to abandon all sense and decorum, even to risk their lives, in the frantic quest for sex (Risk Quotes)
It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it (Risk Quotes)
In this world we run the risk of having to choose between being either the anvil or the hammer (Risk Quotes)
It is better to be boldly decisive and risk being wrong than to agonize at length and be right too late (Risk Quotes)
Progress always involves risk; you can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first (Risk Quotes)
I never listen to calumnies, because if they are untrue I run the risk of being deceived, and if they be true, of hating persons not worth thinking about (Risk Quotes)
Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people brings happiness (Risk Quotes)
There are one hundred men seeking security to one able man who is willing to risk his fortune (Risk Quotes)
One of the reasons people stop learning is that they become less and less willing to risk failure (Risk Quotes)
The average man’s judgment is so poor, he runs a risk every time he uses it (Risk Quotes)
Some people prefer to keep their foot in a bog so they don’t risk falling over (Risk Quotes)
We risk life and limb and my princely good looks for a spoonful of sweet sock? (Risk Quotes)
You have to risk going too far to discover just how far you can really go (Risk Quotes)
It is always a risk to speak to the press: they are likely to report what you say (Risk Quotes)
To be conformed to this world is to risk the loss of one’s eternal soul (Risk Quotes)
Foolishly play with the fires of rumor, only to risk being burned by its treacherous flames (Risk Quotes)
I had accumulated some capital and was at an age at which I was interested in generating income. But even though I was risk averse, I was interested in growth stocks (Risk Quotes)
Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit (Risk Quotes)