Risk Quotes

Text Quotes
Mastery over the body - its impulses, its needs, its size - is paramount; to lose control is to risk beauty, and to risk beauty is to risk desirability, and to risk desirability is to risk entitlement to sexuality and love and self-esteem. (Risk Quotes)
I’m not a money manager, but I can tell you what the conventional wisdom is. The younger you are, the more risk you can take on. (Risk Quotes)
Highly successful leaders ignore conventional wisdom and take chances. Their stories inevitably include a defining moment or key decision when they took a significant risk and thereby experienced a breakthrough. (Risk Quotes)
It’s time to use the antitrust laws and to break up this conglomerate corporate media that has now poisoned our democracy to the point that our very survival is at risk for the kinds of monstrosities that are flourishing in our corporate media dominated discussion. (Risk Quotes)
Those reliable axioms about the taste and expectations of the mass movie audience are not so much laws of nature as artifacts of corporate strategy. And the lessons derived from them conveniently serve to strengthen a status quo that increasingly marginalizes risk, originality and intelligence. (Risk Quotes)
So I am totally aware that when I defend the autonomy of art I’m going counter to my own development. It’s more an instinctive reaction, meant to protect the private aspect of the work, the part I am most interested in and which nowadays is at risk in our culture. (Risk Quotes)
No country or continent can open its borders to all comers without fundamentally weakening itself and this is the risk that the countries of Europe run through misguided altruism. (Risk Quotes)
Love is a risk. It always is. None of us is guaranteed a long life. But love takes courage. (Risk Quotes)
Mastery is a journey, and that the master must have the courage to risk failure (Risk Quotes)
I think people are afraid of either failing or succeeding. It takes courage to feel the fear and feel the risk. (Risk Quotes)
I’m defining [presidential courage] pretty narrowly. It’s not only taking a big political risk but it’s also the risk that in the hindsight of history, people think it’s wise. (Risk Quotes)
I think people thought I was crazy for leaving Mexico when I had any project I wanted falling at my feet. But I risked everything to come to Los Angeles, where no one knew who I was, and start all over again. It was a very hard step to take. However, it was the moment I thought it was right to take a risk in my career. (Risk Quotes)
The secret of the creative life is how to feel at ease with your own embarrassment. We’re all in the dirty laundry business and we’re being paid to take risks and look silly. Race car drivers get paid to risk their lives in a more concrete way; we get paid to risk our lives in an emotional way. (Risk Quotes)
To be sure, the provision of liquidity alone can by no means solve the problems of credit risk and credit losses; but it can reduce liquidity premiums, help restore the confidence of investors, and thus promote stability. (Risk Quotes)
Any investment bought via credit always runs the risk of margin calls and, eventually, liquidation (Risk Quotes)
Credit ratings and risk weightings must undergo a thorough process of review and revision. No security or instrument on the planet should have a zero risk weighting. (Risk Quotes)
Main Street investors, who cannot trade credit default swaps, should not be tempted to trade an instrument with the same risk profile simply because it has been given a different name. (Risk Quotes)
If you fail to pay your minimums for any debt on time, your credit score will take a major hit and you run the risk of seeing the interest rate on all of your cards go up. An easy way to remind yourself to pay, is to sign up to receive your statements via e-mail. (Risk Quotes)
I think one lesson we have to learn is that there’s a lot more risk than we’re giving credit to, a lot more what economist calls systematic risk. (Risk Quotes)
It’s actually a smarter crime because imagine if you rob a bank, or you’re dealing drugs. If you get caught you’re going to spend a lot of time in custody. But with hacking, it’s much easier to commit the crime and the risk of punishment is slim to none. (Risk Quotes)
The whole future of America’s black community is at risk. One out of every three young black men in Washington, D.C., is under one arm or the other of the criminal justice system. These are the continuing consequences of slavery. (Risk Quotes)
The wound-tight, travel-light Obama has a distaste for the adversarial and the random. But if you stick too rigidly to a ‘No Drama’ rule in the White House, you risk keeping reality at bay. Presidencies are always about crisis management. (Risk Quotes)
Customers are wrestling with mission-critical decisions, evaluating solutions that all sound the same, and struggling to achieve the value they expect, when experience has shown them that far too many solutions come packaged with a high degree of risk and a low probability of success. (Risk Quotes)
In it’s purest form, an act of retribution provides symmetry. The rendering payment of crimes against the innocent. But a danger on retaliation lies on the furthering cycle of violence. Still, it’s a risk that must be met; and the greater offense is to allow the guilty go unpunished. (Risk Quotes)
Mitt Romney would move the Court even further right, putting landmark decisions like Roe v. Wade at risk. Some say Romney would repeat the past. I disagree - he’d be worse. (Risk Quotes)
The human brain is at particularly high risk for damage by free radicals because of its high degree of metabolism compared to other tissues, while lacking the levels of antioxidant protection found elsewhere in the body. (Risk Quotes)
Medicine has been successful by treating diseases in a very specific way once the damage is done. But telomere length integrates a lot of factors together and gives you an overall picture of risk for what is now emerging as a lot of diseases that tend to occur together, such as diabetes and heart disease. (Risk Quotes)
A journey awakens all our old fears of danger and risk. Your life is on the line. You are living by your own resources; you have to find your own way and solve every problem on the road. (Risk Quotes)
Democracy is an extraordinary adventure. It’s difficult, full of daring and risk and danger. But it’s the greatest gift we have. (Risk Quotes)
I think it’s important to live with a certain danger and a certain risk (Risk Quotes)