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Rivalry Quotes

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To be liberated, woman must feel free to be herself, not in rivalry to man but in the context of her own capacity and her personality  (Rivalry Quotes) I don’t care what the rivalry is, what the circumstance is, what the standings are, you are not allowed to cross the line in this game and their pitcher crossed it twice. It was pretty clear  (Rivalry Quotes) So I don’t really have much rivalry, or if there is any, I don’t really know anything about it. Because, you know, I’m not around girls like that. The friends I have in the business, I’m always really happy for them. I think we’re always happy for each other. That sounds crap, but it’s true.  (Rivalry Quotes) So I don’t really have much rivalry, or if there is any, I don’t really know anything about it. Because, you know, I’m not around girls like that. The friends I have in the business, I’m always really happy for them. I think we’re always happy for each other. That sounds crap, but it’s true  (Rivalry Quotes) People nowadays don’t know about the Cold War and the U.S.’s old rivalry with the U.S.S.R.  (Rivalry Quotes) Sibling rivalry was, and still is to this day, rampant in my family. We were all competing for my parents’ divided attention.  (Rivalry Quotes) I don’t feel rivalry. I’m the least competitive person you’ll meet ever, to a fault.  (Rivalry Quotes) Feeling is the consciousness of the resulting conditions - of success, failure, equilibrium, compromise or balance, in this continuous rivalry of ideas.  (Rivalry Quotes) My sister and I never engaged in sibling rivalry. Our parents weren’t that crazy about either one of us.  (Rivalry Quotes) There was no excuse for Dallas Cowboys to lose to Washington. Rivalry or not, Redskins are a bad team.  (Rivalry Quotes) The rivalry between the Montague and the Capulet kids seems very modern to me. Juliet is a free spirit, full of untapped love and passion. I think a lot of girls can relate to her. And it’s very relevant in terms of kids defying their parents.  (Rivalry Quotes) A truly beautiful woman is always good and the other women, and to people in general. She rejects rivalry, intrigue and dirty tricks.  (Rivalry Quotes) No, I don’t mean love, when I say patriotism. I mean fear. The fear of the other. And its expressions are political, not poetical: hate, rivalry, aggression.  (Rivalry Quotes) The classic business story is much like the classic human story. There is rise and fall; the overcoming of great odds, the upholding of principles despite the cost, questions of rivalry and succession, and even the possibility of descent into madness  (Rivalry Quotes) Wilt Chamberlain had a great deal to do with the success of the NBA. His dominance, power, demeanor and the rivalry with Bill Russell says it all. He will be sorely missed by myself and everyone in the basketball community. Wilt was a great performer and a great athlete.  (Rivalry Quotes) Pittsburgh was a great team. Coach Noll, Joe Greene, Jack Lambert, L.C. Greenwood and all those guys did a great job. That’s the team that kept us from winning two Super Bowls. It was a great rivalry.  (Rivalry Quotes) American society [...] not only sanctions gross and unfair relations among men, but it encourages them. Now, can that be denied? No. Rivalry, competition, envy, jealousy, all that is malignant in human character is nourished by the system. Possession, money, property--on such corrupt standards as these do you people measure happiness and success.  (Rivalry Quotes) There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women  (Rivalry Quotes) The media thinks that you have to make science sexy and concentrate on themes such as rivalry and the human issues  (Rivalry Quotes) As far as I’m concerned I’ve never had a problem with anybody, no rivalry  (Rivalry Quotes) Holy shadows of the dead, I’m not to blame for your cruel and bitter fate, but the accursed rivalry which brought sister nations and brother people, to fight one another. I do not feel happy for this victory of mine. On the contrary, I would be glad, brothers, if I had all of you standing here next to me, since we are united by the same language, the same blood and the same visions  (Rivalry Quotes) I’m gonna have to start winning some of the matches to call it a rivalry!  (Rivalry Quotes) I’m at the top of my game so, when I win or lose, I don’t freak out... I don’t think we can call it a rivalry yet. There’s just to many great players around  (Rivalry Quotes) Tennis is at an amazing time when you’ve got two of the best players ever to play the game. You can argue the two very best playing in the same generation. It’s a rivalry I think that we’ve never seen in our sport  (Rivalry Quotes) Rivalry causes us to overemphasize old opportunities and slavishly copy what has worked in the past  (Rivalry Quotes) Every virile people has established colonial power. All great nations in the fullness of their strength have desired to set their mark upon barbarian lands and those who fail to participate in this great rivalry will play a pitiable role in time to come  (Rivalry Quotes) Life is not a competition with others. In its truest sense it is a rivalry with ourselves. We should each day seek to break the record of our yesterday. We should seek each day to live stronger, better, truer lives; each day to master some weakness of yesterday; each day to repair past follies; each day to surpass... ourselves. And this is but progress  (Rivalry Quotes) And the issue is never the merits of the evidence but always the jealous rivalry of the contestants to see which would be the official light unto the world. Right down to the present day we have been the spectators of a foolish contest between equally vain and bigoted rivals  (Rivalry Quotes) It is my belief that in our mad world where there is so much pain, rivalry, hatred, violence, inequality, and oppression, it is people who are weak, rejected, marginalized, counted as useless, who can become a source of life and of salvation for us as individuals as well as for our world. And it is my hope that each one of you may experience the incredible gift of the friendship of people who are poor and weak, that you too, may receive life from them. For they call us to love, to communion, to compassion and to community  (Rivalry Quotes) For me being the youngest, there was never ever anything that was an issue to cause rivalry between me and my sisters  (Rivalry Quotes)
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