Roar Quotes

Text Quotes
The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age old struggle: The roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other (Roar Quotes)
If we had a keen vision of all that is ordinary in human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow or the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which is the other side of silence (Roar Quotes)
If thou neglect'st or dolt unwillingly what I command, I'll rack thee with old cramps; fill all thy bones with aches; make thee roar that beasts shall tremble at thy din (Roar Quotes)
Last, but by no means least, courage - moral courage, the courage of one's convictions, the courage to see things through. The world; is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle - the roar of the crowd on one side and the voice of your; conscience on the other (Roar Quotes)
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen? (Roar Quotes)
I grant you, friends, if you should fright the ladies out of their wits, they would have no more discretion but to hang us; but I will aggravate my voice so that I will roar you as gently as any suckling dove; I will roar you an ‘twere any nightingale (Roar Quotes)
I gave my heart to the mountains the minute I stood beside this river with its spray in my face and watched it thunder into foam, smooth to green glass over sunken rocks, shatter to foam again. I was fascinated by how it sped by and yet was always there; its roar shook both the earth and me (Roar Quotes)
About every two minutes a new wave of planes would be over. The motors seemed to grind rather than roar, and to have an angry pulsation like a bee buzzing in blind fury (Roar Quotes)
All through the night, like the tumult of a river when it races between the cliffs of a canyon, in my sleep I could hear the steady roar of the passing army (Roar Quotes)
I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore, and I know too much to go back and pretend (Roar Quotes)
The noise resembles the roar of heavy, distant surf. Standing on the stirring ice one can imagine it is disturbed by the breathing and tossing of a mighty giant below (Roar Quotes)
I love hitting the ball, controlling the ball. And yeah, even the roar of the crowd. I enjoy the roar of the crowd probably less than some players and more than some. But I’m not out here to be a celebrity (Roar Quotes)
For me, winning isn’t something that happens suddenly on the field when the whistle blows and the crowds roar. Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that you train and every night that you dream (Roar Quotes)
He who endeavors to serve, to benefit, and improve the world, is like a swimmer, who struggles against a rapid current, in a river lashed into angry waves by the winds. Often they roar over his head, often they beat him back and baffle him. Most men yield to the stress of the current... Only here and there the stout, strong heart and vigorous arms struggle on toward ultimate success (Roar Quotes)
As men neither fear nor respect what has been made contemptible, all honor to him who makes oppression laughable as well as detestable. Armies cannot protect it then; and walls which have remained impenetrable to cannon have fallen before a roar of laughter or a hiss of contempt (Roar Quotes)
I know my football. And I adore football players. The crashing noise of a tackle, the huddle grunting, and the roar of the crowd are music to my ears (Roar Quotes)
She had witnessed the world’s most beautiful things, and allowed herself to grow old and unlovely. She had felt the heat of a leviathan’s roar, and the warmth within a cat’s paw. She had conversed with the wind and had wiped soldier’s tears. She had made people see, she’d seen herself in the sea. Butterflies had landed on her wrists, she had planted trees. She had loved, and let love go. So she smiled (Roar Quotes)
Beneath the violet pillar, in the vacuum before the roar of the cloud, there came a soft sound that might have been heard by those who listened closely: the gentle sigh of an idea unbound (Roar Quotes)
It will come with a rush and a roar and a shudder. It will come howling and laughing and shrieking and moaning. It will come so fast you can’t help yourself you will stretch out your arms to embrace it. You will feel it before it comes and you will tense yourself for acceptance and the earth which is your eternal bed will tremble at the moment of your union (Roar Quotes)
Look at the sky. It’s not dark and black and without character. The black is, in fact deep blue. And over there: lighter blue and blowing through the blues and blackness the winds swirling through the air and then shining, burning, bursting through: the stars! And you see how they roar their light. Everywhere we look, the complex magic of nature blazes before our eyes (Roar Quotes)
For in the immediate world, everything is to be discerned, for him who can discern it, and central and simply, without either dissection into science, or digestion into art, but with the whole of consciousness, seeking to perceive it as it stands: so that the aspect of a street in sunlight can roar in the heart of itself as a symphony, perhaps as no symphony can: and all of consciousness is shifted from the imagined, the revisive, to the effort to perceive simply the cruel radiation of what is (Roar Quotes)
Criticizing people, winding them up, making idiots of them or fooling them doesn’t make people with autism laugh. What makes us smile from the inside is seeing something beautiful, or a memory makes us laugh. This generally happens when there’s nobody watching us. And at night, on our own, we might burst out laughing underneath the duvet, or roar with later in an empty room... When we don’t need to think about other people or anything else, that’s when we wear our aural expressions (Roar Quotes)
In the 8th inning you can’t hear the roar of the 9th, all you can do to hold yourself together, and trust (Roar Quotes)
Along the coast the sea roars, and inland the mountains roar – the roaring at the center, like a distant clap of thunder (Roar Quotes)
Comrades, there is no true social revolution without the liberation of women. May my eyes never see and my feet never take me to a society where half the people are held in silence. I hear the roar of women’s silence. I sense the rumble of their storm and feel the fury of their revolt (Roar Quotes)
I don’t think of myself as a lion. You might as well, though, I have a mighty roar (Roar Quotes)
The others wolves would devour me if they could know that my roar is, in reality, a crying (Roar Quotes)
The edge of the conflict swayed to and fro, with wild whirlpools and eddies. At times I saw around me more of the enemy than of my own men; gaps opening, swallowing, closing again with sharp convulsive energy. All around, a strange, mingled roar (Roar Quotes)
Seek wisdom in books, rare manuscripts, and cryptic poems if you will, but seek it out also in simple stones, and fragile herbs, and in the cries of wild birds. Listen to the whisperings of the wind and the roar of water if you would discover magic, for it is here that the old secrets are preserved (Roar Quotes)
The lion in the jungle makes every other animal sit up and take notice as soon as he lets out a roar. He didn’t get that way through artificial paraphernalia or through springs and wires and trick dumbells. He became the king of the jungle through constant natural use of every muscle in his body (Roar Quotes)