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Robed Quotes

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A woman’s strength is most potent when robed in gentleness  (Robed Quotes) The club also had the custom of sending robed members to kidnap visiting celebrities and steal them away in a black coach with covered windows, all without saying a word  (Robed Quotes) And high above, depicted in a tower, sat conquest, robed in majesty and power, under a sword that swung above his head, sharp edged and hanging by a subtle thread  (Robed Quotes) It is the call of the beauty robed ones To worship the great Beauty. It is the call of God Through silent intelligences and starburst of feelings  (Robed Quotes) Love passes by us, robed in meekness; but we flee from her in fear, or hide in the darkness; or else pursue her, to do evil in her name  (Robed Quotes) While forced to dwell apart from thy dear face, Love, robed like sorrow, led me by the hand And taught my doubting heart to understand That which has puzzled all the human race...  (Robed Quotes)