Robert Breault Quotes

Text Quotes
When there is hell to pay, it is usually cheaper to pay it than to finance an endless purgatory (Robert Breault Quotes)
The ultimate folly is to think that something crucial to your welfare is being taken care of for you (Robert Breault Quotes)
The trick to liking who you are is not to hate too much the person it turned out you weren’t (Robert Breault Quotes)
Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don’t fool (Robert Breault Quotes)
No matter what you do in life, a part of you still sits at a curbside, still hearing the drumbeat of a distant parade, still waiting for it to turn the corner (Robert Breault Quotes)
We all know the part of us that needs to be harnessed. It takes someone else to know the part of us that needs to be set free (Robert Breault Quotes)
We are known to our friends by a look in our eyes that we never see in a mirror (Robert Breault Quotes)
Get involved. You don’t want to look back on your life and realize that you successfully managed to stay out of it (Robert Breault Quotes)
There is part of us that stands in quiet witness to what we do, taking notes, waiting for a solitary moment to bring up the subject (Robert Breault Quotes)
There comes a morning in life when you wake up a new person; that is to say, you wake up the same person but you realize it’s your own fault (Robert Breault Quotes)
Most often, walking alone with my shadow is how I find my answer, the result of gathering together all agreeable parties (Robert Breault Quotes)
There is a limit to how much you can change to be liked for who you really are (Robert Breault Quotes)
Better to start up a thousand wrong roads than to spend your life going nowhere because you know the way (Robert Breault Quotes)
Basically we are all looking for someone who knows who we are and will break it to us gently (Robert Breault Quotes)
Better you don’t search for who you are until you know who it is you want to find (Robert Breault Quotes)
All your life you pretend to be someone else, and it turns out that you were someone else pretending to be you (Robert Breault Quotes)
In the end you don’t so much find yourself as you find someone who knows who you are (Robert Breault Quotes)
If you aren’t sure who you are, you might as well work on who you want to be (Robert Breault Quotes)
Everything we possess that is not necessary for life or happiness becomes a burden, and scarcely a day passes that we do not add to it (Robert Breault Quotes)
More good has been accomplished by simple people seeking their own honest ends than by all the philanthropists in history (Robert Breault Quotes)
What a unique treasure are the things we have learned to live without, for no thief can take them from us (Robert Breault Quotes)
Sometimes I sit up late with my thoughts, reluctant to fall asleep and leave my thoughts alone by themselves (Robert Breault Quotes)
What a snapshot is to your life, your life is to eternity, so wouldn’t it be nice if eternity captured you smiling? (Robert Breault Quotes)
The choice so often these days is to believe something that seems insane or go insane (Robert Breault Quotes)
Is it my imagination, or does shipping and handling settle a box of crackers more than it used to? (Robert Breault Quotes)
You will not find a soulmate in the quiet of your room. You must go to a noisy place and look in the quiet corners (Robert Breault Quotes)
How do you achieve success? Well, for one thing, you don’t define it before you achieve it (Robert Breault Quotes)
In the end, success is not about who you know, it’s about you know who (Robert Breault Quotes)
Some day man will travel at the speed of light, of small interest to those of us still trying to catch up to the speed of time (Robert Breault Quotes)
Time brings an end to everything. We should not mistake for a tragedy what is no more than the passage of time (Robert Breault Quotes)