Robert Breault Quotes

Text Quotes
I look into the faces of people struggling with their own lives, and I do not see strangers (Robert Breault Quotes)
There is always a perfectly good excuse, always a reason not to. The hardest freedom to win is the freedom from one’s excuses (Robert Breault Quotes)
A family is a bunch of people who keep confusing you with someone you were as a kid (Robert Breault Quotes)
If you don’t watch out, putting on your unhappiness in the morning can become as instinctive as putting on your clothes (Robert Breault Quotes)
I don’t think most people want to be unhappy. It’s just something they’ve gotten good at (Robert Breault Quotes)
No matter how you hurry, you will notice at the end of the day that you traveled at the speed of time (Robert Breault Quotes)
I don’t lie and cheat, but I don’t always avoid actions that would be lying and cheating if someone else did them (Robert Breault Quotes)
There’s a lot of not caring that goes under the name of minding your own business (Robert Breault Quotes)
There are many experts on how things have been done up to now. If you think something could use a little improvement, you are the expert (Robert Breault Quotes)
You live long enough in a world spinning on its axis, you learn to spin in the same direction (Robert Breault Quotes)
No one complains of being a prisoner of love who has ever been a prisoner of loneliness (Robert Breault Quotes)
Love is a condition where the world seems to be standing still, and it’s you who are spinning on your axis (Robert Breault Quotes)
Love may be blind, but if you’ve ever known a blind person, they still know where everything is (Robert Breault Quotes)
Sometimes love needs a rest from caring, and so bears for an intolerable few hours the guilt of not caring (Robert Breault Quotes)
Love is at first a set of delusions, which, as time goes by, are discarded like training wheels, and you love truly (Robert Breault Quotes)
You can accept a falling out that changes your plans, but it’s hard to accept a betrayal that changes your memories (Robert Breault Quotes)
If you could eavesdrop on everything said about you, you’d spend most of your time waiting for the subject to come up (Robert Breault Quotes)
I identify more with people who ask each day for divine guidance than people equipped with a divine guidance system (Robert Breault Quotes)
The hardest thing to accept as a parent is that you cannot apply the bandage before the bruise (Robert Breault Quotes)
No man is so idle that he cannot rouse himself just enough to get in the way of a busy person (Robert Breault Quotes)
Life is a series of tasks that you absolutely must get done before they don’t matter any more (Robert Breault Quotes)
A senseless tragedy remains forever tragic, but it is up to us whether it remains forever senseless (Robert Breault Quotes)
Why be saddled with this thing called life expectancy? Of what relevance to an individual is such a statistic? Am I to concern myself with an allotment of days I never had and was never promised? Must I check off each day of my life as if I am subtracting from this imaginary hoard? No, on the contrary, I will add each day of my life to my treasure of days lived. And with each day, my treasure will grow, not diminish (Robert Breault Quotes)
As you reach for understanding, you find that your ladder of facts isn’t long enough, and you try to extend it by adding a rung of faith. Eventually you see that the task is hopeless, and you put away your ladder of facts and go get a ladder of faith (Robert Breault Quotes)
If man were relieved of all superstition, and all prejudice, and had replaced these with a keen sensitivity to his real environment, and moreover had achieved a level of communication so simplified that one syllable could express his every thought, then he would have achieved the level of intelligence already achieved by his dog (Robert Breault Quotes)