Robert Browning Quotes

Text Quotes
For life, with all it yields of joy and woe, and hope and fear (believe the aged friend), Is just our chance o' the prize of learning love, - How love might be, hath been indeed, and is (Robert Browning Quotes)
What? Was man made a wheel - work to wind up, and be discharged, and straight wound up anew? No! Grown, his growth lasts; taught, he ne'er forgets: May learn a thousand things, not twice the same (Robert Browning Quotes)
For I say this is death and the sole death, when a man's loss comes to him from his gain (Robert Browning Quotes)
Let us cry, all good things are ours, nor soul helps flesh more, now, than flesh helps soul! (Robert Browning Quotes)
Thou, heaven's consummate cup, what needst thou with Earth's wheel? But I need, now as then, thee, god, who mouldest men (Robert Browning Quotes)
Oh child that didst despise thy life so much when it seemed only thine to keep or lose, how the fine ear felt fall the first low word value life, and preserve life for my sake! (Robert Browning Quotes)
In heaven I yearn for knowledge, account all else inanity; on Earth I confess an itch for the praise of fools - that's vanity (Robert Browning Quotes)
She had a heart - how shall I say? Too soon made glad, too easily impressed; she liked whatever she looked on, and her looks went everywhere (Robert Browning Quotes)
She thanked men, good! But thanked somehow I know not how as if she ranked my gift of a nine hundred year old name with anybody's gift (Robert Browning Quotes)
Oh sir, she smiled, no doubt, whene'er I passed her; but who passed without much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together. There she stands as if alive (Robert Browning Quotes)
Notice Neptune, though, taming a sea horse, thought a rarity, which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me! (Robert Browning Quotes)
Welcome each rebuff that turns Earth's smoothness rough, each sting that bids nor sit nor stand but go! (Robert Browning Quotes)
One may do whatever one likes in art: the only thing is, to make sure that one does like it (Robert Browning Quotes)
It's wiser being good than bad; It's safer being meek than fierce: It's fitter being sane than mad (Robert Browning Quotes)
We find great things are made of little things, and little things go lessening till at last comes God behind them (Robert Browning Quotes)
When a man's busy, why leisure Strikes him as wonderful pleasure: Faith, and at leisure once is he? Straightway he wants to be busy (Robert Browning Quotes)
We mortals cross the ocean of this world each in his average cabin of a life; the best's not big, the worst yields elbowroom (Robert Browning Quotes)
Oh, the wild joys of living! The leaping from rock up to rock, the strong rending of boughs from the fir tree, the cool silver shock of the plunge in a pool's living water (Robert Browning Quotes)
And the muttering grew to a grumbling; and the grumbling grew to a mighty rumbling; and out of the houses the rats came tumbling (Robert Browning Quotes)
A people is but the attempt of many To rise to the completer life of one - and those who live as models for the mass Are singly of more value than they all (Robert Browning Quotes)
Just my vengeance complete, the man sprang to his feet, stood erect, caught at God's skirts, and prayed! So, I was afraid! (Robert Browning Quotes)
What's come to perfection perishes, things learned on Earth we shall practise in heaven; works done least rapidly Art most cherishes (Robert Browning Quotes)
For I say, this is death and the sole death, when a man's loss comes to him from his gain, darkness from light, from knowledge ignorance, and lack of love from love made manifest (Robert Browning Quotes)
A pretty woman's worth some pains to see, nor is she spoiled, I take it, if a crown completes the forehead pale and tresses pure (Robert Browning Quotes)
Like plants in mines, which never saw the sun, but dream of him, and guess where he may be, and do the best to climb, and get to him (Robert Browning Quotes)
And I have written three books on the soul, proving absurd all written hitherto, and putting us to ignorance again (Robert Browning Quotes)
I send my heart up to thee, all my heart In this my singing! For the stars help me, and the sea bear part (Robert Browning Quotes)
With this same key Shakespeare unlocked his heart, once more! Did Shakespeare? If so, the less Shakespeare be! (Robert Browning Quotes)
No! Let me taste the whole of it, fare like my peers, the heroes of old, bear the brunt, in a minute pay glad life's arrears of pain, darkness and cold (Robert Browning Quotes)
If I stoop Into a dark tremendous sea of cloud, it is but for a time; I press God's lamp close to my breast; its splendor soon or late will pierce the gloom; I shall emerge one day (Robert Browning Quotes)