Robert Burton Quotes

Text Quotes
Cornelia kept her in talk till her children came from school, and these, said she, are my jewels (Robert Burton Quotes)
Isocrates adviseth Demonicus, when he came to a strange city, to worship by all means the gods of the place (Robert Burton Quotes)
Our conscience, which is a great ledger book, wherein are written all our offenses... Grinds our souls with the remembrance of some precedent sins, makes us reflect upon, accuse and condemn ourselves (Robert Burton Quotes)
Tobacco, divine, rare superexcellent tobacco, which goes far beyond all panaceas, potable gold and philosopher's stones, a sovereign remedy to all diseases (Robert Burton Quotes)
Many men are melancholy by hearing music, but it is a pleasing melancholy that it causeth; and therefore to such as are discontent, in woe, fear, sorrow, or dejected, it is a most present remedy (Robert Burton Quotes)
There are true graces, which, as Homer feigns, are linked and tied hand in hand, because it is by their influence that human hearts are so firmly united to each other (Robert Burton Quotes)
Misery assails riches, as lightning does the highest towers; or as a tree that is heavy laden with fruit breaks its own boughs, so do riches destroy the virtue of their possessor (Robert Burton Quotes)
Tis the beginning of hell in this life, and a passion not to be excused. Every other sin hath some pleasure annexed to it, or will admit of an excuse: envy alone wants both (Robert Burton Quotes)
It never yet happened to any man since the beginning of the world, nor ever will, to have all things according to his desire, or to whom fortune was never opposite and adverse (Robert Burton Quotes)
Conscience is a great ledger book in which all our offences are written and registered, and which time reveals to the sense and feeling of the offender (Robert Burton Quotes)
To think well of every other man's condition, and to dislike our own, is one of the misfortunes of human nature. Pleased with each other's lot, our own we hate (Robert Burton Quotes)
Sports and gaming, whether pursued from a desire of gain or love of pleasure, are as ruinous to the temper and disposition of the party addicted to them, as they are to his fame and fortune (Robert Burton Quotes)
Speak with contempt of no man. Every one hath a tender sense of reputation. And every man hath a sting, which he may, if provoked too far, dart out at one time or other (Robert Burton Quotes)
Have not too low thoughts of thyself. The confidence a man hath of his being pleasant in his demeanor is a means whereby he infallibly cometh to be such (Robert Burton Quotes)
Our writings are so many dishes, our readers guests, our books like beauty; that which one admires another rejects; so are we approved as men's fancies are inclined (Robert Burton Quotes)
As amber attracts a straw, so does beauty admiration, which only lasts while the warmth continues (Robert Burton Quotes)
Conquer thyself. Till thou hast done that thou art a slave; for it is almost as well for thee to be in subjection to another's appetite as thy own (Robert Burton Quotes)
So good things may be abused, and that which was first invented to refresh men's weary spirits (Robert Burton Quotes)
That which others hear or read of, I felt and practised myself; they get their knowledge by books, I mine by melancholizing (Robert Burton Quotes)
If heaven be so fair, the sun so fair, how much fairer shall He be that made them fair? For by the greatness and beauty of the creatures, proportionally the maker of them is seen (Robert Burton Quotes)
Worldly wealth is the Devil's bait; and those whose minds feed upon riches recede, in general, from real happiness, in proportion as their stores increase, as the moon, when she is fullest, is farthest from the sun (Robert Burton Quotes)
To enlarge or illustrate this power and effect of love is to set a candle in the sun (Robert Burton Quotes)
Every man hath a good and a bad angel attending on him in particular, all his life long (Robert Burton Quotes)
If there be a hell upon Earth, it is to be found in a melancholy man's heart (Robert Burton Quotes)
I had not time to lick it into form, as a bear doth her young ones (Robert Burton Quotes)
See one promontory (said Socrates of old), one mountain, one sea, one river, and see all (Robert Burton Quotes)
Be fearful only of thyself, and stand in awe of none more than thine own conscience (Robert Burton Quotes)
Temperance is a bridle of gold; he who uses it rightly, is more like a God than a man (Robert Burton Quotes)
A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself (Robert Burton Quotes)