Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes

Text Quotes
As long as a man lives he should study. Death alone has the right to dismiss the school (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Honesty is the mother of confidence; it unites, combines and solidifies society. Dishonesty is disintegration; it destroys confidence; it brings social chaos (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Even in the business of corporations honesty is the best policy, and the companies that have acted in accordance with the highest standard, other things being equal, have reaped the richest harvest (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
As we become civilized we are governed less by persons and more by principles... The best of all leaders is the man who teaches people to lead themselves (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
To avoid pain we must know the conditions of health. For the accomplishment of this end we must rely upon investigation instead of faith, upon labor in place of prayer. Most misery is produced by ignorance. Passions sow the seeds of pain (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Music was born of love. Had there never been any human affection, there never could have been uttered a strain of music (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
There is more real devotional feeling summoned from the temple of the mind by great music than by any sermon ever delivered (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
I will follow my logic, no matter where it goes, after it has consulted with my heart. If you ever come to a conclusion without calling the heart in, you will come to a bad conclusion (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
To the wise man, to the wise nation, the mistakes of the past are the torches of the present (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
I am anxious to give away information, for it is only by giving it away that you can keep it. When you have told it, you remember it. It is with information as it is with liberty, the only way to be dead sure of it is to give it to other people (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
No man should kill himself as long as he can be of the least use to anybody, and if you cannot find some person that you are willing to do something for, find a good dog and take care of him. You have no idea how much better you will feel (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
When struck on one cheek to turn the other, is really joining a conspiracy to secure the triumph of brutality. To agree not to resist evil is to become an accomplice of all injustice (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
It is hard to overstate the debt that we owe to men and women of genius (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Christianity did not come with tidings of great joy, but with a message of eternal grief. It came with the threat of everlasting torture on its lips. It meant war on earth and perdition hereafter (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Secularism is a religion, a religion that is understood. It has no mysteries, no mumblings, no priests, no ceremonies, no falsehoods, no miracles, and no persecutions (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Every child should be taught that useful work is worship and that intelligent labor is the highest form of prayer (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Jehovah was not a moral God. He had all the vices and he lacked all the virtues. He generally carried out all his threats, but he never faithfully kept a promise (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
I have always noticed that the people who have the smallest souls make the most fuss about getting them saved (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Good nature is the cheapest commodity in the world, and love is the only thing that will pay ten percent to both borrower and lender (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
In a world of cruelty, sympathy is a crime, and in a world of lies, truth is blasphemy (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Christianity has such a contemptible opinion of human nature that it does not believe a man can tell the truth unless frightened by a belief in God. No lower opinion of the human race has ever been expressed (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Temptations are as thick as the leaves of the forest, and no one can be out of the reach of temptation unless he is dead. The great thing is to make people intelligent enough and strong enough, not to keep away from temptation, but to resist it (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
The falling leaf that tells of autumn’s death is, in a subtler sense, a prophecy of spring (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
They say: Belief is important. I say: No, actions are important. Judge by deed, not by creed (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Truth is the mother of joy. Truth civilizes, ennobles and purifies. The grandest ambition that can enter the soul is to know the truth (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
I would rather be a beggar and spend my money like a king, than be a king and spend money like a beggar (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
I have one sentiment for soldiers living and dead: cheers for the living; tears for the dead (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
One thing I do know, and that is, that neither hope, nor fear, belief, nor denial, can change the fact. It is as it is, and it will be as it must be (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Surely there is grandeur in knowing that in the realm of thought, at least, you are without a chain; that you have the right to explore all heights and depth; that there are no walls nor fences, nor prohibited places, nor sacred corners in all the vast expanse of thought (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)