Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes

Text Quotes
There is no evidence that God ever interfered in the affairs of man. The hand of earth is stretched uselessly towards heaven. From the clouds there comes no help (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Is there an intelligent man or woman now in the world who believes in the Garden of Eden story? If you find any man who believes it, strike his forehead and you will hear an echo. Something is for rent (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Nothing could be more dangerous to the existence of this Republic than to introduce religion into politics (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Diderot took the ground that, if orthodox religion be true Christ was guilty of suicide. Having the power to defend himself he should have used it (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Every sect is a certificate that God has not plainly revealed his will to man. To each reader the Bible conveys a different meaning (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
We are all children of the same mother, and the same fate awaits us all. We, too, have our religion, and it is this: Help for the living-Hope for the dead (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Talent has the four seasons: spring, that is to say, the sowing of the seeds; summer, growth; autumn, the harvest; winter, intellectual death. But there is now and then a genius who has no winter, and, no matter how many years he may live, on the blossom of his thought no snow falls. Genius has the climate of perpetual growth (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
I believe in the gospel of cheerfulness, the gospel of Good Nature; the gospel of Good Health. Let us pay some attention to our bodies. Take care of our bodies, and our souls will take care of themselves (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Reason is the light, the sun of the brain. It is the compass of the mind, the ever-constant Northern Star, the mountain peak that lifts itself above all clouds (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Give any orthodox church the power, and to-day they would punish heresy with whip, and chain, and fire. As long as a church deems a certain belief essential to salvation, just so long it will kill and burn if it has the power (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Orthodox Christians have the habit of claiming all great men, all men who have held important positions, men of reputation, men of wealth. As soon as the funeral is over clergymen begin to relate imaginary conversations with the deceased, and in a very little while the great man is changed to a Christian - possibly to a saint (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
In making up my mind as to what Mr. Lincoln really believed, I do not take into consideration the evidence of unnamed persons or the contents of anonymous letters; I take the testimony of those who knew and loved him, of those to whom he opened his heart and to whom he spoke in the freedom of perfect confidence (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Kings had their clowns, the people their actors and musicians. Shakespeare was scheduled as a servant. It is thus that successful stupidity has always treated genius. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Perjury is the basest and meanest and most cowardly of crimes. What can it do? Perjury can change the common air that we breathe into the axe of an executioner. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Only those who live on the labor of the ignorant are the enemies of science. Real love and real religion are in no danger from science. The more we know the safer all good things are. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
The truth is that all great men have had great mothers. Great women have had, as a rule, great fathers. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
I concluded that all religions had the same foundation - a belief in the supernatural - a power above nature that man could influence by worship - by sacrifice and prayer. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Voltaire, as full of life as summer is full of blossoms, giving his ideas upon all subjects at the expense of prince and king, was exiled to England. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
There are so many societies, so many churches, so many -isms, that it is almost impossible for an independent man to succeed in a political career. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
It always has been and forever will be impossible for slavery or any kind or form of injustice to produce a great poet. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
The grandest ambition that any man can possibly have is to so live and so improve himself in heart and brain as to be worthy of the love of some splendid woman; and the grandest ambition of any girl is to make herself worthy of the love and adoration of some magnificent man. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
In my judgment, the American people are too brave, too charitable, too generous, too magnanimous, to believe in the infamous dogma of an eternal hell. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Every fact in the universe will fit every other fact in the universe. A lie never did, never will fit anything but another lie made to fit it. Never, never! (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Walt Whitman defended the sacredness of love, the purity of passion - the passion that builds every home and fills the world with art and song. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
If the government can make money, what on earth does it collect taxes for you and me for? Why don’t it make what money it wants, take the taxes out, and give the balance to us? (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
Beauty is not all there is of poetry. It must contain the truth. It is not simply an oak, rude and grand, neither is it simply a vine. It is both. Around the oak of truth runs the vine of beauty. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
We must remember that we have to make judges out of men, and that by being made judges their prejudices are not diminished and their intelligence is not increased. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
The church teaches us that we can make God happy by being miserable ourselves (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
I say that no man can be greater than the man who bravely and heroically sacrifices his life for the good of others. No man can be greater than the one who meets death face to face, and yet will not shrink from what he believes to be his highest duty. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)
As we become civilized we are governed less by persons and more by principles. . . . The best of all leaders is the man who teaches people to lead themselves. (Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes)