Robert Heilbroner Quotes

Text Quotes
Socialism has been a great tragedy this century (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
One accumulates or one gets accumulated (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
Very few of the heroes of the Golden Age of American finance had much interest in the solid realities of what underlay their structure of stocks and bonds and credits . (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
History , as it comes into our daily lives, is charged with surprise and shock (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
Less than seventy-five years after it officially began, the contest between capitalism and socialism is over: capitalism has won. (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
To one American family out of four, the idea of capitalism as a benign system of comfort , dignity , and personal advance is only a myth , or worse, a bitter mockery. (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
Karl Marx did not call for an opposition to the forces of history. On the contrary he accepted all of them, the drive of technology, the revolutionizing effects of democratic striving, even the vagaries of capitalism, as being indeed the carriers of a brighter future (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
We cannot help living in history. We can only fail to be aware of it (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
But the process of social change was not merely a matter of new inventions pressing on old institutions: it was a matter of new classes displacing old ones (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
History, as it comes into our daily lives, is charged with surprise and shock (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
The distribution of wealth, therefore, depends on the laws and customs of society (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
Before economics can progress, it must abandon its suicidal formalism (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
The use of mathematics has brought rigor to economics. Unfortunately, it has also brought mortis (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
In the periods of crisis, the bigger firms absorb the smaller ones, and when the industrial monsters eventually go down, the wreckage is far greater than when the little enterprises buckle (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
If an economy in the doldrums could drift indefinitely, the price of government inaction might be graver by far than the consequences of bold unorthodoxy (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
It is from the scope and wisdom of the economists of the past that we must reap the knowledge with which to face the future (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
Today and over the foreseeable future, traditional capitalism throughout most of the world has been thrown on a defensive from which it is doubtful that it can never recover (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
In the end the question is: Who is to be master, man or his machines? As long as the control over technology rests primarily on economic calculation, the victor is not likely to be man (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
For it is certain that the future will bring realities for which our traditional optimism fails to prepare us and against which our economic momentum fails to arm us (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
The rise of the welfare state, on the one hand, and of the military bureaucracy, on the other, are instances of the manner in which technology is enforcing a socialization of life (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
We may make progress only by freeing ourselves from the rut of the past, but without this rut an orderly society would hardly be possible in the first place (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
He who enlists a man’s mind wields a power even greater than the sword or the scepter (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
Today and over the foreseeable future,traditional capitalism throughout most of the world has been thrown on a defensive from which it is doubtful that it can never recover (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
If one could divine the nature of the economic forces in the world, one could foretell the future (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
Capitalism is the only society in human history in which neither tradition nor conscious direction supervises the total effort of the community; it is the only society in which the future, the needs for tomorrow, are entirely left to an automatic system (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)
The cure for capitalism's failing would require that a government would have to rise above the interests of one class alone (Robert Heilbroner Quotes)