Robert Kiyosaki Quotes

Text Quotes
Today is the word for winners and tomorrow is the word for losers (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
You and only you are responsible for your life choices and decisions (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
If you fail, learn, and move on, you’re growing (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The truth is that money doesn’t make you rich; knowledge does (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Don’t invest in what you don’t know. Learn first then invest (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The poor look for jobs while the rich build networks (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Whatever you want in life, you’ve got to give away first (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Good debt is a powerful tool, but bad debt can kill you (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Investing isn’t risky; not being in control is risky (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
If you change your thoughts you can change your actions (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Excuses are the words coming from the loser in you (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
When you create wealth, it’s your responsibility to return it to society (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The moment you stop learning you’re dying (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Few people realize that luck is created (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Before you invest in something, invest the time to understand it (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
You need to have the courage to fail (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
A job is a short term solution to a long term problem (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The more security you seek, the less freedom you have (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Broke is temporary, poor is eternal (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
What you don’t know keeps you poor (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Intention is for achievers. Hope is for the hopeless (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The biggest risk a person can take is to do nothing (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
There is no one road to success, you must find your own route (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Most people know how to set goals; few know how to achieve them (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Do today what you want for your tomorrows (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
True learning takes energy, passion and a burning desire (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
God does not deem you to be lucky or unlucky... you’re mindset does (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Listen to the advice from the one who’s already achieved your goal (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)