Robert Kiyosaki Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s not being homeless that matters. It’s about who you are. Keep striving and you become somebody. Quit and you also become somebody.. but not the same person. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The entrepreneur must be the best salesperson and marketer in his business (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Most businesses think that product is the most important thing, but without great leadership, mission and a team that deliver results at a high level, even the best product won’t make a company successful. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Passion pushes you to learn more, create more and to create better. Best of all, it’s contagious. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
What are you doing this weekend to improve your financial situation? Sacrifice made today goes a long way for a better tomorrow. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The better you are at communicating, negotiating, and handling your fear of rejection, the easier life is. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Socialize’ means we turn more of our personal powers over to Big Brother, not free enterprise (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
When President Obama speaks about raising taxes on the rich, he speaks about high-income employees and small business owners, not entrepreneurs who build big businesses. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
A high income job, a big house, nice cars, and lavish vacations don’t mean you are rich, in fact it could mean exactly opposite (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The financial education taught in schools is funded and taught by the big banks and corporations. It’s like having the cat train the mice. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Once a person gains experience and a good reputation, it takes less and less money to create bigger and bigger investments. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Generous people can become more generous as they become richer, giving away vast fortunes to worthwhile causes as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are doing. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Every time I hear a politician mention the word ‘stimulus,’ my mind flashes back to high school biology class, when I touched battery wires to a dead frog to make it twitch. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
As long as you blame someone or something else - something outside you that’s bigger than you are - as the source of your problems, the problems won’t get solved. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
If you realize that you’re the problem, then you can change yourself, learn something and grow wiser. Don’t blame other people for your problems. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
For something to collapse, not all systems have to shut down. In most cases, just one system is enough. For example, the human body is a system of systems. If just one system, such as the cardiovascular system, shuts down, death follows. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Money and investing can be complex, confusing, and often boring subjects (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
I don’t save money. Save is a four letter word! I like to borrow money because I can get richer faster on borrowed money. I have what is called retained earnings, so I don’t have to save money. If I need money, I will go out and borrow it. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
We’ve all heard stories of lottery winners, rock stars, heirs and heiresses, and professional athletes becoming millionaire morons who wake up rich but are broke by nightfall. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Dreamers dream dreams and rich people create plans and build bridges to their dreams (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
The environmentalists say capitalism is killing our oceans, air, land, and forests. Capitalists argue that they provide food, fuel, and building materials for a growing world. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Real estate investing, even on a very small scale, remains a tried and true means of building an individual’s cash flow and wealth. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
As a bull market turns into a bear market, the new pros turn into optimists, hoping and praying the bear market will become a bull and save them. But as the market remains bearish, the optimists become pessimists, quit the profession, and return to their day jobs. This is when the real professional investors re-enter the market. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Over a 10-year period, 99 out of 100 new entrepreneurs will fail. Only one will be left standing as others get pushed out of the market or burn out from working so hard. It’s really sad. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
It’s not about the money. Its about creating a business out of your life’s purpose and mission. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
By 2003, every fool was getting into real estate. The checkout girl at my local supermarket handed me her newly printed real estate agent business card. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
While the Chinese people, as a rule, are good people, my business dealings with Communist Chinese officials have left me disturbed and concerned about the rise of the Chinese Empire. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
Most small-business owners have no financial education when they started. They weren’t trained to be entrepreneurs. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
It’s when you take that first step opening a business or making an investment that it becomes real. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)
People invest in businesses that they believe have the leadership, mission and team to grow and operate profitably. (Robert Kiyosaki Quotes)