Robert South Quotes

Text Quotes
Though reason is not to be relied upon as universally sufficient to direct us what to do, yet it is generally to be relied upon and obeyed where it tells us what we are not to do (Robert South Quotes)
Conscience never commands nor forbids anything authentically, but there is some law of God which commands and forbids it first (Robert South Quotes)
Men are atheistical because they are first vicious, and question the truth of Christianity because they hate the practice (Robert South Quotes)
The pleasure of the religious man is an easy and portable pleasure, such an one as he carries about in his bosom, without alarming either the eye or the envy of the world (Robert South Quotes)
All nations that grew great out of little or nothing did so merely by the public mindedness of particular persons (Robert South Quotes)
He who is truly a good man is more than half way to being a Christian, by whatever name he is called (Robert South Quotes)
It would be a rarity worth seeing could any one show us such a thing as a perfectly reconciled enemy (Robert South Quotes)
The tale bearer and the tale hearer should be both hanged up, back to back, one by the tongue, the other by the ear (Robert South Quotes)
When the tongue is the weapon, a man may strike where he cannot reach; and a word shall do execution both further and deeper than the mightiest blow (Robert South Quotes)
If it is a pleasure to be envied and shot at, to be maligned standing and to be despised falling, then it is a pleasure to be great (Robert South Quotes)
A lie is like a vizard, that may cover the face indeed, but can never become it (Robert South Quotes)
Flints may be melted - we see it daily - but an ungrateful heart cannot; no, not by the strongest and the noblest flame (Robert South Quotes)
To all intents and purposes, he who will not open his eyes is, for the present, as blind as he who cannot (Robert South Quotes)
The very society of joy redoubles it; so that, whilst it lights upon my friend it rebounds upon myself, and the brighter his candle burns the more easily will it light mine (Robert South Quotes)
If the calumniator bespatters and belies me, I will endeavor to convince him by my life and manners, but not by being like him (Robert South Quotes)
Honor is but the reflection of a man’s own actions shining bright in the face of all about him, and from thence rebounding upon himself (Robert South Quotes)
Partiality is properly the understanding’s judging according to the inclination of the will and affections, and not according to the exact truth of things, or the merits of the cause (Robert South Quotes)
There is a vast difference between sins of infirmity and those of presumption, as vast as between inadvertency and deliberation (Robert South Quotes)
Guilt upon the conscience, like rust upon iron, both defiles and consumes it, gnawing and creeping into it, as that does which at last eats out the very heart and substance of the metal (Robert South Quotes)
The covetous person lives as if the world were made altogether for him, and not he for the world (Robert South Quotes)
Most of the appearance of mirth in the world is not mirth, it is art. The wounded spirit is not seen, but walks under a disguise (Robert South Quotes)
God afflicts with the mind of a father, and kills for no other purpose but that he may raise again (Robert South Quotes)
In all worldly things that a man pursues with the greatest eagerness he finds not half the pleasure in the possession that he proposed to himself in the expectation (Robert South Quotes)
Let a man be but in earnest in praying against a temptation as the tempter is in pressing it, and he needs not proceed by a surer measure (Robert South Quotes)
The grateful person, being still the most severe exacter of himself, not only confesses, but proclaims, his debts (Robert South Quotes)
He that tears away a man’s good name tears his flesh from his bones, and, by letting him live, gives him only a cruel opportunity of feeling his misery, of burying his better part, and surviving himself (Robert South Quotes)
Action is the highest perfection and drawing forth of the utmost power, vigor, and activity of man’s nature (Robert South Quotes)
Speech was given to the ordinary sort of men, whereby to communicate their mind; but to wise men, whereby to conceal it (Robert South Quotes)
He that thinks he shows boldness or height of mind by a scurrilous reply to a scurrilous provocation measures himself by a false standard, and acts not the spirit of a man, but the spleen of a wasp (Robert South Quotes)
We may compare the soul to a linen cloth; it must be first washed to take off its native hue and color, and to make it white; and afterwards it must be ever and anon washed to preserve it white (Robert South Quotes)