Robert Southey Quotes

Text Quotes
They who once engage in iniquitous designs miserably deceive themselves when they think that they will go so far and no farther; one fault begets another, one crime renders another necessary; and thus they are impelled continually downward into a depth of guilt, which at the commencement of their career they would have died rather than have incurred (Robert Southey Quotes)
Tis a history handed from ages down; a nurse's tale - which children, open - ey'd and mouth'd, devour; and thus as garrulous ignorance relates, we learn it and believe (Robert Southey Quotes)
Some people seem born with a head in which the thin partition that divides great wit from folly is wanting (Robert Southey Quotes)
It has been more wittily than charitably said that hell is paved with good intentions; they have their place in heaven also (Robert Southey Quotes)
Never let a man imagine that he can pursue a good end by evil means, without sinning against his own soul. The evil effect on himself is certain (Robert Southey Quotes)
Not where I breathe, but where I love, I live; Not where I love, but where I am, I die (Robert Southey Quotes)
St. Austin might have returned another answer to him that asked him, what God employed himself about beofre the world was made? He was making hell (Robert Southey Quotes)
To a resolute mind, wishing to do is the first step toward doing. But if we do not wish to do a thing it becomes impossible (Robert Southey Quotes)
It is not for man to rest in absolute contentment. He is born to hopes and aspirations as the sparks fly upward, unless he has brutalized his nature and quenched the spirit of immortality which is his portion (Robert Southey Quotes)
Take away love, and not physical nature only, but the heart of the moral world, would be palsied (Robert Southey Quotes)
Whoever has tasted the breath of morning knows that the most invigorating and most delightful hours of then day are commonly spent in bed; though it is the evident intention of nature that we should enjoy and profit by them (Robert Southey Quotes)
Happy it were for us all if we bore prosperity as well and as wisely as we endure adverse fortune (Robert Southey Quotes)
A stubborn mind conduces as little to wisdom or even to knowledge, as a stubborn temper to happiness (Robert Southey Quotes)
That charity is bad which takes from independence its proper pride, from mendicity its salutary shame (Robert Southey Quotes)
The march of intellect is proceeding at quick time; and if its progress be not accompanied by a corresponding improvement in morals and religion, the faster it proceeds, with the more violence will you be hurried down the road to ruin (Robert Southey Quotes)
Whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that is sin to you, however, innocent it may be in itself (Robert Southey Quotes)
There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never know beyond its hallowed limits (Robert Southey Quotes)
The three indispensable of genius are: understanding, feeling, and perseverance; the three things that enrich genius are: contentment of mind, the cherishing of good thoughts, and the exercise of memory (Robert Southey Quotes)
Live as long as you may, the first twenty years are the longest half of your life. They appear so while they are passing; they seem to have been so when we look back on them; and they take up more room in our memory than all the years that succeed them (Robert Southey Quotes)
It behooves us always to bear in mind, that while actions are always to be judged by the immutable standard of right and wrong, the judgments which we pass upon men must be qualified by considerations of age, country, station, and other accidental circumstances; and it will then be found that he who is most charitable in his judgment is generally the least unjust (Robert Southey Quotes)
He passed a cottage with a double coach - house, a cottage of gentility; and he owned with a grin that his favorite sin is pride that apes humility (Robert Southey Quotes)
Beware of those who are homeless by choice! You have no hold on human being whose affections are without a top - root! (Robert Southey Quotes)
A man may be cheerful and contented in celibacy, but I do not think he can ever be happy; it is an unnatural state, and the best feelings of his nature are never called into action (Robert Southey Quotes)
A house is never perfectly furnished for enjoyment unless there is a child in it rising three years old, and a kitten rising three weeks (Robert Southey Quotes)
A good man and a wise man may at times be angry with the world, at times grieved for it; but be sure no man was ever discontented with the world who did his duty in it (Robert Southey Quotes)
Somebody has been at my porridge, and has eaten it all up!' said the little, small, wee bear, in his little, small, wee voice (Robert Southey Quotes)
What are young women made of? Sugar and spice and all things nice, and such are young women made of (Robert Southey Quotes)
What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy - dog tails, and such are little boys made of (Robert Southey Quotes)
Great news! Bloody news! Cried a newsman; the Devil said, stop, let me see! Great news? Bloody news? Thought the Devil; the bloodier the better for me (Robert Southey Quotes)
At this good news, so great the devil's pleasure grew, that, with a joyful swish, he rent the hole where his tail came through (Robert Southey Quotes)