Robertson Davies Quotes

Text Quotes
Children, don't speak so coarsely, said Mr. Webster, who had a vague notion that some supervision should be exercised over his daughters' speech, and that a line should be drawn, but never knew quite when to draw it. He had allowed his daughters to use his library without restraint, and nothing is more fatal to maidenly delicacy of speech than the run of a good library (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Although I am almost illiterate mathematically, I grasped very early in life that any one who can count to ten can count upward indefinitely if he is fool enough to do so (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Our fate lies in your hands, to you we pray For an indulgent hearing of our play; Laugh if you can, or failing that, give vent In hissing fury to your discontent; Applause we crave, from scorn we take defence But have no armour 'gainst indifference (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Aristocrats need not be rich, but they must be free, and in the modern world freedom grows rarer the more we prate about it (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Every man makes his own summer. The season has no character of its own, unless one is a farmer with a professional concern for the weather (Robertson Davies Quotes)
The first week of this month was International Cat Week, and as the cat is, above all animals, the writer's pet, I suppose I should have written something about it. But I do not care about weeks, and every week is a cat week with me (Robertson Davies Quotes)
It used to be fashionable for authors to have their pictures taken with dogs, but the dogs always looked like models hired from an advertising agency, and probably were (Robertson Davies Quotes)
It is in this matter that I fall foul of so many American writers on writing; they seem to think that writing is a confidence game by means of which the author cajoles a restless, dull-witted, shallow audience into hearing his point of view. Such an attitude is base, and can only beget base prose (Robertson Davies Quotes)
To be apt in quotation is a splendid and dangerous gift. Splendid, because it ornaments a man's speech with other men's jewels; dangerous, for the same reason (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Anybody who has had experience of poetesses knows that they may forgive a punch on the jaw, but never a suggestion that they would be wiser to give up versifying (Robertson Davies Quotes)
I cannot imagine any boy of spirit who would not be delighted to play a drunkard - even to vomiting - in front of his Sunday school. Indeed, the vomiting might be the chief attraction of the role (Robertson Davies Quotes)
The young people, who were all Canadians, immediately formed themselves into a committee of the whole, from which they elected a working committee, which discussed the matter for about an hour, though as it was a committee the time seemed to be a year and a day (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Several children present me with scraps of paper for autographs: obviously don't know who I am and don't care. I sign Jackie Collins and they go away quite content (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Like it or not, to reach middle age with less money or less prestige than our father had is somewhat to lose face. Stupid of course, when put like that, but who is prepared to argue that we are not stupid in several important ways? (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Of course, fairies are all imported in North America. We have no native fairies. The little people do not long survive importation - unless they go to California and grow large and beautiful, but haven't much flavor, like the fruit and the film stars (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Celtic civilization was tribal, but by no means savage or uncultivated. People who regarded the theft of a harp from a bard as a crime second only to an attack on the tribal chieftain cannot be regarded as wanting in cultivated feeling (Robertson Davies Quotes)
An important aspect of nonconformity was its cult of the bible as the fount of all wisdom. But the bible takes much of its color from whoever is reading it, and it provides a text to support almost every shade of opinion, however preposterous (Robertson Davies Quotes)
When John Ryder, for instance, writes I utter valediction to the author of my being, he means simply that he said goodbye to his mother (Robertson Davies Quotes)
In my collection, to me at least, the theatre of the past lives again and those long-dead playwrights and actors have in me an enthralled audience of one, and I applaud them across the centuries (Robertson Davies Quotes)
To ask an author who hopes to be a serious writer if his work is autobiographical is like asking a spider where he buys his thread. The spider gets his thread right out of his own guts, and that is where the author gets his writing (Robertson Davies Quotes)
I suppose everybody has these softheaded spells, when they think it would be fun to live in a small town. They pass quickly, of course (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Toronto is already in the toils of Christmas, and from several windows the hollow Ho Ho! Of a mechanical Santa Claus may be heard. Children watch these creatures with hard, calculating eyes, wondering if the old man is really crazy, or only pretending to be, like Hamlet (Robertson Davies Quotes)
It would be nice to be unfailingly, perpetually, remorselessly funny, day in and day out, year in and year out until somebody murdered you, now wouldn't it? (Robertson Davies Quotes)
The world does so well without me, that I am moved to wish that I could do equally well without the world (Robertson Davies Quotes)
The life of man is a struggle with nature and a struggle with the machine; when nature and the machine link forces against him, man hasn't a chance (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Today I live in the gray, muffled, smelless, puffy, tasteless half-world of those who have colds (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Men of action, I notice, are rarely humble, even in situations where action of any kind is a great mistake, and masterly inaction is called for (Robertson Davies Quotes)
I am not even prepared to meet Professor Einstein or Bertrand Russell; why should I vaingloriously assume that God would find me interesting? (Robertson Davies Quotes)
Among the most graceful of birds, they have the ugliest faces; in the countenance of a seagull we observe all the bitter hatred and malignance which we usually associate with the faces of money-lenders or book censors (Robertson Davies Quotes)
I was reading Dorothy Dix this afternoon; she says that it is permissible for a young man to tell a girl he knows fairly well that she has pretty ankles; from this I assume that the better he knows her the higher he may praise her (Robertson Davies Quotes)