Robin McKinley Quotes

Text Quotes
And if my choice is to sit graciously in my best robes and accept the inevitable or to bail a sea with a bucket, give me the bucket (Robin McKinley Quotes)
Laughter went on and on, like sunlight and stone, even if the human beings who laughed did not (Robin McKinley Quotes)
Those single - track military minds never think to ask their cleaning staff for help in giant lethal marauding creature matters (Robin McKinley Quotes)
... My friend, there are some things that I cannot tell you. Some I will tell you in time; some, others will tell you; some you may never know, or you may be the first to find the answers (Robin McKinley Quotes)
The train is roaring toward you and the villain is twirling his moustache and you're fussing that he's tied you to the tracks with the wrong kind of rope (Robin McKinley Quotes)
When they finished laughing they were on their way to being not just friends, but the dearest of friends, the sort of friends whose lives are shaped by the friendship (Robin McKinley Quotes)
And none at all has ridden at the king's side since Aerinha, goddess of honor and flame, first taught men to forge their blades. You'd think Aerinha would have had better sense (Robin McKinley Quotes)
But I'm going to try to tell the truth. Except for the parts I'm leaving out, because there's still stuff I'm just not going to tell you. Get used to it (Robin McKinley Quotes)
It is a much more straightforward thing to be a dog, and a dog's love, once given, is not reconsidered (Robin McKinley Quotes)
But the world turns, and even legends change; and somewhere there is a border, and sometime, perhaps, someone will decide to cross it, however well guarded its thorns may be (Robin McKinley Quotes)
I'd be looking at some stony sculpture Michelangelo would have killed his grandmother to be able to do, and thinking, I don't know that color, that color doesn't exist, but like wow (Robin McKinley Quotes)
He laughed, tried to make it into a cough, inhaled at exactly the wrong moment, and then really did cough (Robin McKinley Quotes)
This place felt like home; not her home perhaps, but someone's home, accustomed to shelter and keep and befriend its master (Robin McKinley Quotes)
It was too important a matter, this talking to people, and listening to them, to do it lightly or often (Robin McKinley Quotes)
With the knowledge of her aloneness came a rush of self-declaration: I will not be nothing (Robin McKinley Quotes)
The bus timetable sites are all run by an inbred cabal of malicious gnomes. Who don't speak English. And who don't count very well either. Or tell time. And they certainly can't read maps (Robin McKinley Quotes)
It was of grey stone, huge block set on block;but it caught the sunlight like a dolphin's back at dawn (Robin McKinley Quotes)
Although when there were too many people around - which there certainly were today - it was hard even to remember to say thank you: all those people were like drowning (Robin McKinley Quotes)
... like a grain of sand that gets into an oyster's shell. What if the grain doesn't want to become a pearl? Is it ever asked to climb out quietly and take up its old position as a bit of ocean floor? (Robin McKinley Quotes)
Majid gave me a brief dazzling golden stare and then half - lidded his eyes again. I know when my life is being threatened (Robin McKinley Quotes)
I have a mastery of the art of worrying that is a burden to me if I may not use it (Robin McKinley Quotes)
At first Lissar merely ran away; away from the yellow city, away from the prince whom she loved with both halves of her broken heart (Robin McKinley Quotes)
The lessons she'd been forced to learn were dry spare things, the facts without the sense of them, given in the simplest of language, as if words might disguise the truth or (worse) bring it to life (Robin McKinley Quotes)
I'd always had a guilty preference for fiction. Since I seemed now to be living fiction, this proved to have been an entirely reasonable choice (Robin McKinley Quotes)
You can be a really nasty, selfish little jerk when you're scared enough. I was scared enough (Robin McKinley Quotes)
When you're feeding the second coachload of tourists that day you aren't thinking about the birthday party for fifty next week (Robin McKinley Quotes)
We may not like it, but we need human friends, because we have human enemies whether we will or nay (Robin McKinley Quotes)
I didn't want to know that the monster that lived under your bed when you were a kid not only really is there but used to have a few beers with your dad (Robin McKinley Quotes)
She was ashamed. She would not - she would not - be frightened of him: he was what he was, and he had made a promise he would keep (Robin McKinley Quotes)
But it was equally clear to her that this was her fate, that she had called its name and it had come to her, and she could do nothing now but own it (Robin McKinley Quotes)