Robin Sharma Quotes
Text Quotes
Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Devote yourself to learning something new about your field of mastery every day (Robin Sharma Quotes)
To be successful in business and life, spot the possibilities while others look for problems (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Failure is not having the courage to try, nothing more and nothing less (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The average are addicted to leisure. The exceptional are obsessed with learning (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Fill your brain with giant dreams so it has no space for petty pursuits (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Words have power. Use the language of leadership versus the vocabulary of a victim (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Few things are as foolish as hoping old behaviors will somehow present new results (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The beautiful thing about setbacks is they introduce us to our strengths (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Please remember that your greatest talent is so much more powerful than your biggest fear (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The respect you give others is a dramatic reflection of the respect you give yourself (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The secret of innovation is to see what all see but think what none think (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be having (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live your values (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it (Robin Sharma Quotes)
A strong foundation at home sets you up for a strong foundation at work (Robin Sharma Quotes)
To triple the growth of your organization, triple the growth of your people (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The thoughts you think today determine the results you’ll see tomorrow (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Make the work you are doing today better than the work you did yesterday (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The quickest way to grow the sales of your business is to grow your people (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Giving with the intention of receiving really isn’t giving, it’s trading (Robin Sharma Quotes)
An exceptional life isn’t the result of lucky breaks but excellent choices (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Fatigue dominates the lives of those who are living without direction and dreams (Robin Sharma Quotes)
An extraordinary life is all about daily, continuous improvements in the areas that matter most (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Forget the economy. Just rewire your mentality. Then you’ll create your own economy (Robin Sharma Quotes)
What makes a champion is not how elegantly you start, but how strongly you finish...!! (Robin Sharma Quotes)
Everything that scares you is an opportunity to know your best self better (Robin Sharma Quotes)
The gift of achievement is not the things you get, but the person you become (Robin Sharma Quotes)