Rod McKuen Quotes
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Text Quotes
There’s no misery in not being loved, only in not loving (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Even when you feel you’ve reached the end or edge of life, hold on. Life itself will ultimately take care of you. (Rod McKuen Quotes)
We need sex education in schools, but we need it at home first. We need parents to learn the names of the teachers who are teaching their children. We need families to question day-care centers, to question other children and their own as to what goes on. (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Do not ask the definition of a friend. He/She is that one without whose company death and dying set in earlier and living is made more pleasurable. (Rod McKuen Quotes)
I try not to put messages in my songs. My only message is man’s communication with his fellow man. I want to narrow the gap of strangeness and alienation. (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Everybody has the answers or they’ll make them up for you. Just once I’d like to hear a brand-new question. (Rod McKuen Quotes)
I can’t understand people who give up and commit suicide. If I have a bad day, I figure tomorrow will be better. And even if it isn’t, at least it isn’t any worse. (Rod McKuen Quotes)
People often say ‘I live for my art.’ Bullshit! If you are given a talent it’s to be used. It’s not in the private domain. (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Cats have it all - admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it (Rod McKuen Quotes)
If I could do it over, I’d do better (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Love is a sweet thing caught a momentand held in a golden eye (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Laws and machines are shaped to fit the classes (Rod McKuen Quotes)
If you love somebody, tell them (Rod McKuen Quotes)
I am not a joiner. Somewhere I once said that people join clubs now for the very reason they once carried them, a need for security. Maybe I’m alone more often than I should be, because I try to find security within myself (Rod McKuen Quotes)
I’ve come to terms with it, it knows I know (Rod McKuen Quotes)
To understand others you should get behind their eyes and walk down their spines (Rod McKuen Quotes)
And if the world breaks down, I’ll be around (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Never fear being alone, because you never are (Rod McKuen Quotes)
The journey back is always longer than the forward run (Rod McKuen Quotes)
It happens just because we need to want and to be wanted too, when love is here or gone to lie down in the darkness and listen to the warm (Rod McKuen Quotes)
The gifts that one receives for giving are so immeasurable that it is almost an injustice to accept them (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Once I thought ideas were exceptions not the rule. That is not so. Ideas are so plentiful that they ride on air. You have only to reach out and snatch one (Rod McKuen Quotes)
Unless you call attention to your presence who will know you’re there? Even a country has to weave and wave a flag as proof of its existence (Rod McKuen Quotes)
I’ve been going a long time now along the way I’ve learned some things. You have to make the good times yourself take the little times and make them into big times and save the times that are all right for the ones that aren’t so good (Rod McKuen Quotes)
It’s nice sometimes to open up the heart a little and let some hurt come in. It proves you’re still alive (Rod McKuen Quotes)
We come into the world alone. We go away the same. We’re meant to spend the interlude between in closeness or so we tell ourselves. But it’s a long way from the morning to the evening (Rod McKuen Quotes)
I have never known a cat that couldn’t quiet me down just by walking slowly past my chair (Rod McKuen Quotes)
The world needs writers. We will always be necessary. There are few professions that can claim that distinction (Rod McKuen Quotes)
No map to help us find the tranquil flat lands, clearings calm, fields without mean fences. Rolling down the other side of life our compass is the sureness of ourselves. Time may make us rugged, ragged round the edges, but know and understand that love is still the safest place to land (Rod McKuen Quotes)
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