Roger Daltrey Quotes
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Text Quotes
I know my faults, but I’m comfortable with me (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I HOPE I DIE BEFORE I GET OLD (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I love Adele. That’s a lead singer; that’s the real deal (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
Unless you’ve been touched personally, it’s difficult to see, but there are millions of people who have no voice whatsoever. (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
We lived the life with Keith Moon. It was all Spinal Tap magnified a thousand times (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I think Pete did have a hard time as a kid with his appearance. But don’t all kids have a hard time? God, I had a hard time, too. I was little with bow legs and rickets. I used to get picked on like everybody used to get picked on (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I call it fan fatigue. I went to see Bob Dylan last year, who I think is absolutely incredible, but he suffers from his audience (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
We tend to think of age only in time, but I don’t think it has much to do with time at all there’s a whole load of other things. I’ve met 16-year-olds who are old and 90-year-olds who are young (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I don’t like Tommy on Broadway at all. I like the music, I’m pleased with Pete’s success but I don’t like what they’ve done to it (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
We weren’t wealthy but we definitely weren’t poor. We were incredibly rich because there was a wonderful community in Shepherd’s Bush, where I grew up. All my friends were into villainy and crime (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
Well, for the My Generation album, there was nothing to be nervous about in them days. We used to take every day as it came. Every day was just a gig and I think we did the recording between gigs literally (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I had me jaw broken, and so my chin stuck way out. That’s how I became tough - I learned to pick up anything and fight back (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I don’t have any illusions anymore. The illusion that rock ‘n’ roll could change anything - I don’t believe that. I’ve changed (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I thought if I lost the band, I was dead. If I didn’t stick with the Who, I would be a sheet metal worker for the rest of my life (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I live 50 miles from London and we’ve got some of the highest levels of teenage and childhood poverty in the country. It’s disgusting. Just because it’s a rural area, it gets forgotten (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I’m not anti-fox hunting because, to me, shooting foxes is even worse and the results are horrendous. (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
You’re better off being a brick layer if you’re going to play guitar than a sheet metal worker. (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I used to take amphetamines until I realized that amphetamines didn’t go with being a good singer. (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I’m a rock god? I’m five foot seven. I had me jaw broken, and so my chin stuck way out. That’s how I became tough - I learned to pick up anything and fight back... A rock god! (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
The Who would never have been successful without two special people, Kit Lambert and Chris Stamp (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
No, I was two years older than the other guys. I was a war baby. My family were a lot poorer than they were. I’d had to fight too hard for anything I had in my life and to smash things up for me. (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
A lot of the new people they choose on shows like ‘American Idol’ and things like that - I don’t ever hear lead singers. They always seem to choose to pick people that are great singers, fabulous singers, but they’ve never got the voice that makes a great lead singer. (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I enjoy singing; being in touch with something that is inside of me (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I always used to develop a cold going into the studio (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I wanted to be in a band that shared ideas and were in it together (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
You can do too much and oversell your market (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
We were too rough at the edges to be a pop group (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
My place, your place, slapped face, rat race (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
My feeling was that I simply didn’t have the enthusiasm to do reinvention (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
I’m realistic about my age and realistic about the fact that there’s an awful lot less in front of me than there is behind me. I’ve always felt that music is an art form that deserves to live the life of the artist (Roger Daltrey Quotes)
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