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Romania Quotes

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Find the needle in a haystack. Solving problems like a pyromaniac  (Romania Quotes) I am as frustrated with society as a pyromaniac in a petrified forest  (Romania Quotes) There is no such thing as several Romanias, but only politicians who divide Romania depending on the interests of their parties and their clout  (Romania Quotes) When I was the captain of a ship I never failed to bring my ship to port and I won’t fail to bring Romania to safe harbor. The belief that the president no longer represents the people is false.  (Romania Quotes) Romania, which had the worst dictator in Eastern Europe, Ceausescu, he was a darling of the West. The United States and Britain loved him. He was supported until the last minute.  (Romania Quotes) Romania can be a linchpin in delivering gas to its neighbors and even become an energy exporter for its neighbors across Central and Eastern Europe.  (Romania Quotes) Of course, I grew up in Communist Romania, but I am happy to say that now our country is democratic, and prospering, since the revolution in 1989.  (Romania Quotes) There is no breach of European rules committed by companies from Romania or on Romanian territory  (Romania Quotes) I was born in Romania and later lived in Vienna, Austria, for a few years, and I eventually made my way over to New York in 95.  (Romania Quotes) For as long as I can remember, my mother went to church every single Sunday. She was born and raised in Romania as a person with limited means, and faith was something she could rely on - something that was free.  (Romania Quotes) Romania is an interesting place because I think it has been abused, on so many different levels  (Romania Quotes) One of the most difficult times in my life was when I escaped from Romania in November of 1989  (Romania Quotes) Of course, I grew up in Communist Romania, but I am happy to say that now our country is democratic, and prospering, since the revolution in 1989  (Romania Quotes) Romania and Bulgaria were particularly irresponsible. If they wanted to diminish their chances of joining Europe they could not have found a better way  (Romania Quotes) Romania will continue to fulfil its obligations in Afghanistan and Iraq  (Romania Quotes) I ask you to stand by my side in the next five years. We shall live a good life in a Romania of all Romanians  (Romania Quotes) Probably Romania and China and Russia. I think they’re all working really hard to beat us right now  (Romania Quotes) When I was on my own in a hotel room in Romania, I had the imagination to keep myself occupied  (Romania Quotes) I don’t know why men like to barbecue so much. Maybe its the only thing they can cook. Or maybe they’re just closet pyromaniacs  (Romania Quotes) I love heights. I love speed. I’m on the verge of being a pyromaniac. Maybe my phobia is boredom  (Romania Quotes) Our dependence on fossil fuels amounts to global pyromania, and the only fire extinguisher we have at our disposal is renewable energy  (Romania Quotes) I’ve been offered nymphomaniacs, kleptomaniacs, pyromaniacs, homicidal maniacs and just plain maniacs. I think producers felt that after playing a long series of noble and admirable characters there would be quite a lot of shock value in seeing me play something altogether different. But I prefer upbeat stories that send people out of the theater feeling better than they did coming in. It’s my cup of tea  (Romania Quotes) The only thing that differentiates you and me from a couple of fourteen year old pyromaniacs is balistic glass!  (Romania Quotes)