Ron Paul Quotes

Text Quotes
I wish I could say I was shocked at the reports the NSA is secretly spying on the private phone calls of millions of Verizon customers. However, this is a predictable result of a government that continues to erode our liberties while promising some glimmering hope of security (Ron Paul Quotes)
We’re being taxed to blow up bridges in Iraq and rebuild them, while ours at home are falling down (Ron Paul Quotes)
It is not democracy to send in billions of dollars to push regime change overseas. It isn’t democracy to send in the NGOs to re-write laws and the constitution in places like Ukraine. It is none of our business (Ron Paul Quotes)
I have a personal belief that you never have to give up liberty for security. You can still provide security without sacrificing our Bill of Rights (Ron Paul Quotes)
The Fourth Amendment is clear; we should be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, and all warrants must have probable cause. Today the government operates largely in secret, while seeking to know everything about our private lives - without probable cause and without a warrant (Ron Paul Quotes)
There’s a a right to privacy for all individuals and all who have legal rights - and that includes the unborn. As an obstetrician, if I cause any harm to a fetus, I will be sued. If someone kills or harms a fetus they’re liable in a court of law (Ron Paul Quotes)
I’m not sure what Al Gore did for peace. I don’t think he have been high on my list for the Nobel Peace Prize (Ron Paul Quotes)
The World’s Smallest Political Quiz is responsible for many Americans’ first contact with libertarian ideas. While traveling around the country, I have often heard people say, ‘I never knew I was a libertarian until I took the Quiz!’ (Ron Paul Quotes)
We need to take away the government’s money power. The banking industry needs its welfare check ended. The dollar’s soundness depends on its being untied from the machine that can make an infinite number of copies of dollars and reduce their value to zero (Ron Paul Quotes)
General welfare is a general condition - maybe sound currency is general welfare, maybe markets, maybe judicial system, maybe a national defense, but this is specific welfare. This justifies the whole welfare state - the military industrial complex, the welfare to foreigners, the welfare state that imprisons our people and impoverishes our people and gives us our recession (Ron Paul Quotes)
The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city. This unprecedented move should frighten us as much or more than the attack itself (Ron Paul Quotes)
Without precise meanings behind words, politicians and elites can obscure reality and condition people to reflexively associate certain words with positive or negative perceptions. In other words, unpleasant facts can be hidden behind purposely meaningless language (Ron Paul Quotes)
Of course I’ve already taken a very modest position on the monetary system, I do take the position that we should just end the Fed. (Ron Paul Quotes)
You don’t have freedom because you are a hyphenated American; you have freedom because you are an individual, and that should be protected. (Ron Paul Quotes)
The most basic principle to being a free American is the notion that we as individuals are responsible for our own lives and decisions (Ron Paul Quotes)
I believe only a free society can ever be truly secure. The goal should be to make terrorists feel threatened, not the American people. (Ron Paul Quotes)
I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited government, and minding our own business overseas. (Ron Paul Quotes)
Think of what happened after 9/11, the minute before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq, and so the war drums beat. (Ron Paul Quotes)
If you give up on your principles I don’t think that’s being pragmatic... Doing the wrong thing, even partially, isn’t being practical...if you have the right ideas and are forceful enough...I think you can get the support you need. (Ron Paul Quotes)
Believe me, the intellectual revolution is going on, and that has to come first before you see the political changes. That’s where I’m very optimistic. (Ron Paul Quotes)
Both sides of the political spectrum must one day realize that limitless government intrusion in the economy, in our personal lives, and in the affairs of other nations cannot serve the best interests of America. (Ron Paul Quotes)
If you care about your personal liberty, you’ll be cautious when you feel comfortable, blame all the illegal immigrants for everything. What you need to do is attack their benefits: no free education, no free subsidies, no citizenship, no birthright citizenship. (Ron Paul Quotes)
Jury verdicts, basketball games, and even music are enough to set off black rage, it seems, (Ron Paul Quotes)
Why is patriotism thought to be blind loyalty to the government and the politicians who run it, rather than loyalty to the principles of liberty and support for the people? Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it’s wrong. (Ron Paul Quotes)
Too many members of Congress believe they can solve all economic problems, cure all social ills, and bring about worldwide peace and prosperity simply by creating new federal programs. (Ron Paul Quotes)
In time it will become clear to everyone that support for the policies of pre-emptive war and interventionist nation-building will have much greater significance than the removal of Saddam Hussein itself. (Ron Paul Quotes)
As recent as the year 2000 we won elections by saying we shouldn’t be the policemen of the world, and that we should not be nation building. And its time we got those values back into this country. (Ron Paul Quotes)
It’s not like I’m just trying to win and get elected. I’m trying to change the course of history. (Ron Paul Quotes)
They ask me if I’m going to quit. I thought we were just getting started. We have a revolution to fight, a country to change. (Ron Paul Quotes)
The federal government overrules state laws where state laws permit medicinal marijuana for people dying of cancer. The federal government goes in and arrests these people, put them in prison with mandatory, sometimes life sentences. This war on drugs is totally out of control. If you want to regulate cigarettes and alcohol and drugs, it should be at the state level. (Ron Paul Quotes)