Ronald Reagan Quotes

Text Quotes
These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Recognizing the equality of all men and women, we are willing and able to lift the weak, cradle those who hurt, and nurture the bonds that tie us together as one nation under God (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
America's future rests in a thousand dreams inside your hearts. It rests in the message of hope in songs of a man so many young Americans admire-new Jersey's own, bruce Springsteen (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life - the unborn - without diminishing the value of all human life (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
If you don't know whether a body is alive or dead, you would never bury it. I think this consideration itself should be enough for all of us to insist on protecting the unborn (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
The real question today is not when human life begins, but, what is the value of human life? (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
The abortionist who reassembles the arms and legs of a tiny baby to make sure all its parts have been torn from its mother's body can hardly doubt whether it is a human being (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Regrettably, we live at a time when some persons do not value all human life. They want to pick and choose which individuals have value (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
We must all educate ourselves to the reality of the horrors taking place. Doctors today know that unborn children can feel a touch within the womb and that they respond to pain (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
It is possible that the Supreme Court itself may overturn its abortion rulings. We need only recall that in Brown v. Board of Education the court reversed its own earlier separate but equal decision (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
We will never recognize the true value of our own lives until we affirm the value in the life of others (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them - this morning, as they prepared for their journey, and waved goodbye, and slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
The other day, someone told me the difference between a democracy and a people's democracy. It's the same difference between a jacket and a straitjacket (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
If a tax hike makes it to my desk, I'll veto it in less time than it takes Vanna White to turn the letters V - E - T - O! (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
The ten most dangerous words in the English language are Hi, I'm from the government, and I'm here to help (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
We have found, in our country, that when people have the right to make decisions as close to home as possible, they usually make the right decisions (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
When you see all that rhetorical smoke billowing up from the Democrats, well ladies and gentleman, I'd follow the example of their nominee; don't inhale (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Well I've said it before and I'll say it again - America's best days are yet to come. Our proudest moments are yet to be. Our most glorious achievements are just ahead (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
This fellow they've nominated claims he's the new Thomas Jefferson. Well let me tell you something; I knew Thomas Jefferson. He was a friend of mine and Governor... You're no Thomas Jefferson! (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
I have my veto pen drawn and ready for any tax increase that Congress might even think of sending up. And I have only one thing to say to the tax increasers: Go ahead, make my day (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
We're especially not going to tolerate these attacks from outlaw states run by the strangest collection of misfits, looney tunes, and squalid criminals since the advent of the Third Reich (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Back then [before 1981], government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. and if it stops moving, subsidize it (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
The Government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a healthy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
The great dynamic success of capitalism had given us a powerful weapon in our battle against Communism - money (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Our whole system of government is based on We the people, but if we the people don't pay attention to what's going on, we have no right to bellyache or squawk when things go wrong (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
I have always thought of government as a kind of organism with an insatiable appetite for money, whose natural state is to grow forever unless you do something to starve it (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
In Hollywood, as I've often said, if you don't sing or dance, you end up as an after-dinner speaker (Ronald Reagan Quotes)