Ronald Reagan Quotes

Text Quotes
Could there be anything but widespread misery, where a privileged few controlled a nation’s wealth, while millions labored for a pittance, and millions more were desperate for want of employment? (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
I thought the function of the government was to promote the general welfare, not to provide it (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Professional politicians like to talk about the value of experience in government. Nuts! The only experience you gain in politics is how to be political (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
We don’t need more politicians insisting we have deficits because you’re not taxed enough. Those deficits ballooned from an economy that didn’t grow enough and from 50 years of government spending too much (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Revenues should be increased not by increasing the tax rates on the individual but by building a bigger economy for everybody (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Wouldn’t it be better for the human spirit and for the soul of this nation to encourage people to accept more responsibility to care for each other rather than leaving those tasks to paid bureaucrats (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
May every day be a new beginning, and every dawn bring us closer to that shining city upon a hill (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
I have only one thing to say to the tax increasers: Go ahead, make my day (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
America’s view of apartheid is simple and straightforward: We believe it is wrong. We condemn it. And we are united in hoping for the day when apartheid will be no more (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
There were so many candidates on the platform that there were not enough promises to go around (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
You know, it was only a generation ago that actors couldn’t be buried in the churchyard (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Free enterprise is a rough and competitive game. It is a hell of a lot better than a government monopoly (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Were not cutting the budget simply for the sake of sounder financial management. This is only a first step toward returning power to the states and communities, only a first step toward reordering the relationship between citizen and government (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
From my mother I learned the value of prayer, how to have dreams and believe I could make them come true (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Isn’t it strange that... people build walls to keep an enemy out, and there’s only one part of the world and one philosophy where they have to build walls to keep their people in (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They’re just braver five minutes longer (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
You can tell alot about a fellow’s character by his way of eating jellybeans (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
If it’s to be a bloodbath, let it be now. Appeasement is not the answer (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
When I’ve heard all I need to make a decision, I don’t take a vote. I make a decision (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Sometimes when I’m faced with an atheist, I am tempted to invite him to the greatest gourmet dinner that one could ever serve, and when we have finished eating that magnificent dinner, to ask him if he believes there’s a cook (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
We do not deny any nation’s legitimate interest in security. But protecting the security of one nation by robbing another of its national independence and national traditions is not legitimate. In the long run, it is not even secure (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
Here you discover that so long as books are kept open, then minds can never be closed (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth (Ronald Reagan Quotes)
There is no greater happiness for a man than approaching a door at the end of a day knowing someone on the other side of that door is waiting for the sound of his footsteps (Ronald Reagan Quotes)