Ronnie Coleman Quotes

Text Quotes
Hard work and training. There’s no secret formula. (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
When you hit failure your workout has just begun (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
A day in the life of Ronnie Coleman mainly consists of eating, training or sleeping (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Just because your triceps have fallen behind your biceps, doesn’t mean you should back off your triceps workouts. (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
I’m always positive when it comes to professional bodybuilding, hell I’m Mr. Olympia for God’s sake. If I’m number one in our sport and I have a negative attitude then our sport don’t need me and I don’t need our sport. There are problems and controversy in all sports. That’s really unavoidable (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Thank God for pure natural strength (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Light weight... Yeah buddy! (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Hard work and training. There’s no secret formula (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
My biggest competition is always myself. I mean no disrespect, but I do not look at any of the guys as being my competition for the simple reason that I can’t control how they’re going to look. I can only control how I look (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Training has always been a hobby, and my whole life has revolved around training. It’s something I truly love doing. I wanna do what I wanna do and this is something I wrestled with, because I have to make many sacrifices to do what I wanna do (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
It is important to have people believe in you. With this support, what you can achieve is limitless (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
I never focus on contraction. I’m focusing on my muscle. I’m not focusing on a certain style of lifting or contracting. I’m just trying to get the weight up. I’m trying to build muscle (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
I always train heavy and it worked well for me. I always train heavy and put on size for a competition. Most people would be worried about an injury but if you’re gonna worry about it so much, it’s gonna happen anyway (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Most people know who I am. Then I get the people who don’t know who I am and just want to take a picture with a guy with muscles. I get more people that know me than anything (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
I’ve never really considered myself as being the best bodybuilder. I always try to let the people decide that. I just try to do the best I can do at whatever it is that I’m doing (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Hard work and training. There’s no secret formula. I lift heavy, work hard and aim to be the best (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
I just take it year by year. So much time is dedicated to doing this that I can’t see having too much time for much else (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
You can’t do this if you’re not dedicated and determined, and have a strong faith. Because it’s extremely hard, especially trying to work a job and do it (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Women really do pay attention to a man’s glutes. A tight, compact ass is often voted even more desirable than muscular arms and chest. So, if you’re lacking, start squatting! (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Just because your triceps have fallen behind your biceps, doesn’t mean you should back off your triceps workouts (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
I’ve been training so long, its second nature to push myself to the limit (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Recovery is not a gift from clinicians, but the responsibility of us all. We must become confident in our own ability to change our lives, we must give up being reliant on others doing everything for us. We must have the confidence to give up being ill so that we can start being recovered (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)
Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don’t nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight (Ronnie Coleman Quotes)